Discussion Forum

New player looking for deck feedback


I'm really pretty new and looking to build a deck for FNM. I have been playing a RDW, however I do not really find this to be fun nor is it challenging now that I know how to play a little better.
I'm looking for something that's still pretty simple but more options, more fun.
I have two decks I'm looking at.
An Bantish Deck and a Cat/Lifegain deck.
Would you please let me know what you think!

Posted 18 July 2013 at 00:33


With regards to power level, the bant deck is definitely better... however, with rotarion approaching, lots of good stuff will leave, namely thragtusk. The cat deck has some potentialwith some tuning, but I honestly doubt it will be that good at fnm... I'd be glad to help tweak either list once you make a decision :) may I ask your budget? Lots of newer players don't like to spend too much on the game, and shock lands tend to make 3 color decks expensive...
Posted 21 July 2013 at 03:31
