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Help with U/G Gilt-Leaf Archdruid deck

Well, I'm getting back into magic after about 6 years of not playing at all. The local card shop does proxy modern tourney weekly. So I saw Gilt-Leaf Archdruid and my johnny sense was tingling. Money isn't really an object so I'd like to build the best deck possible. Here is what I have so far:


I really like coiling oracle, obviously. And Door of Destinies targeted to Elf would be quite nice in the deck. Let me know what changes I can make and if I can be competitive in modern with this concept. I need to adjust the lands and make this tight!
Posted 29 July 2013 at 00:28


Well, to speak you the truth, if you want to run Elves in Modern, there are two main ways imo: Cloudstone Curio deck, a ramp-combo deck, or more oriented to a weenie, with small creatures that stick huge in early game to win fast. I think you want that way, so, i would remove the blue here, stick to mono green, Imperious Perfect, Elvish Harbinger (for tutor, or even if you want to keep blue in the deck), Ezuri, Renegade Leader is great in an aggro-oriented elf deck. Elvish Promenade and Drove of Elves are another good cards you could go after; even Adaptive Automaton if you think you need more "lord" effects. I recomend plain Elves over Druids, cause you have more good cards to choose. Garruk Wildspeaker is great if it hit the field fast.
Hope it helps, i know you are returning the game after some years, but i´m pretty sure you know B/G Rock archetype, i´m running one that´s Modern legal, comment it if you like, i will appreciate it.

Posted 29 July 2013 at 01:25


My favourite way to use Gilt-Leaf Archdruid is with Mirror Entity. That makes it possible to turn any creature (read tokens) into druids which can accelerate the combo and doesn't force you to play bad cards just because you need druids.
You could for instance run eldrazi spawn with creatures like Kozilek's Predator and Nest Invader and then turn them into druids with Mirror entity when you want to combo.

I don't know If it's possible to make this competitive, don't know the format that well. The few times I've played modern in the past it was pretty brutal due to fast combo, but they keep changing the format by banning cards so I don't know how it is now.
Posted 29 July 2013 at 07:33


I don't want to just run elves though. Gilt-Leaf can draw more cards and Door of Destinies works good because of every creature is a elf (including Gilt-Leaf Ambush).

I think I'll stick to U/G because I don't have much trouble getting mana with Cavern of Souls. Coiling Oracle is probably one of the best commons and helps with card advantage AND ramp.

edit: Though I might look at a mixed tribal changeling deck with mirror entity.
Posted 02 August 2013 at 22:11
