Discussion Forum

Modern Slivers

Hi everybody,

I'm building a Sliver deck for Modern. So far the plan is this:

4 Ancient Ziggurat
1 Bonescythe Sliver
4 Cavern of Souls
2 Firewake Sliver
4 Forest
3 Galerider Sliver
3 Gemhide Sliver
2 Gemstone Mine
3 Hive Stirrings
3 Homing Sliver
3 Manaweft Sliver
1 Might Sliver
4 Mutavault
3 Plains
4 Predatory Sliver
2 Sentinel Sliver
2 Shimmering Grotto
2 Sidewinder Sliver
3 Sinew Sliver
1 Sliver Legion
2 Spined Sliver
3 Striking Sliver
2 Syphon Sliver
2 Virulent Sliver

Sideboard: 2 Cautery Sliver 2 Darkheart Sliver 2 Harmonic Sliver 1 Opaline Sliver 2 Two-Headed Sliver

It's actually heavily based on creatures, and still has some problem with mana colour... any suggestion for improvement?

EDIT: here's the link to tappedout with a playtest option http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/sliver-doom-modern/
Posted 30 July 2013 at 11:00


If you can't create card advantage in a pure creature tribal based strategy you basically can't win. It's like a burn deck, you run out of cards before your opponent is dead and you lose.
You can't recover from a board sweep and without a way to give your guys shroud (like oldschool sliver decks did with Crystalline Sliver) spot removal will crush you as they can slectively remove the slivers you need most.

The best way to play this kind of deck is to minimize the amount of colors it runs and make it as fast as possible. Successful Sliver decks have always been tempo decks and that is what you need to be. You need fast hard hitters and a way to keep the path open so they can hit home (by means of evasion or removal). You need a balance between control and creatures so a single Tarmogoyf and a bit of removal won't stall your deck for turn after turn. You also need to be able to remove problematic creatures like Dark Confidant or your opponent will quickly gain a huge card advantage over you.
Posted 30 July 2013 at 11:22


Thanks Seth, that's very helpful!
Without the old Slivers such as Crystalline I'm actually having a hard time to keep the deck fast and protected. Do you have any specific card to recommend me?

Also, my deck is mostly a RWG with some splash of black and blue, so not a real penta... do you think it's too much? Syphon and Galerider are both important cards!
Posted 30 July 2013 at 11:33


take the best cheap costed slivers


4x Galerider Sliver
4x Sidewinder Sliver
4x Sinew Sliver
4x Predatory Sliver

maybe two headed but that adds a 4th color unless you go WRU and cut green altogether... Red is always good for lightning bolts.

then when you run out of slivers you could add 4x Phantasmal Image and or a few Kira, Great Glass-Spinner

then you could start adding removal/counter (spell pierce/spell snare)/pump spells...whatever you need. Maybe some card draw like Hunter's Insight or Lead the Stampede.... I dunno
Posted 30 July 2013 at 14:29
