Discussion Forum

Getting ready for Theros... Too Many 5-Drops? Somewhat New Player

Getting ready to phase out my Thragtusks and Restoration Angels. I like this deck a lot, but haven't played it competitively yet. Any thoughts?

"Junk Standard, Theros-Ready"
Posted 12 August 2013 at 05:43


It seems really "good stuffy". Lots of really good cards but no real focus.

You have no turn 1 plays and few turn 3.

Blood Baron isn't really that great. I kinda get that you want him there for the life gain with the archangel but you'd probably be better off with some one drops with extort or something.

I'm not sure you're heavily enough invested in black to be running a 1BB creature and expect to cast it on curve.

Also, what's the point of Mutavault? You don't have any tribal relevant cards so it's just watering down your colors.
Posted 12 August 2013 at 10:43
