Discussion Forum

Modern Modular Monster

I've put alot of work into this deck and I think is now a very very tough deck to beat.. (at least I'd like to think this haha)

My only regret is not being able to acquire a playset of arcbound ravager, but it's ok. Not sure how it would run in a tourny but wouldn't mind giving it a shot one day =]

Downfall would be a field wipe, but I have the ability to gain my hand back and pay it all out at once so it's kind of a fail safe if you could call it that.

What do you all think? Any suggestions for improvement or anything? =]

Posted 21 August 2013 at 00:05


- I doubt Volt Charge is worth playing at mana cost 3, aren't there a bunch of good artifact related burn spells at the moment. Isn't there a 1 mana burn spell that does 4 damage to a creature?

- Isn't blood Moon like absurt in Modern in Mono Red? Or is it to slow? In legacy it is absurt, if you can drop it turn 1 you pretty much win against a lot of decks. I just played a mono red crap deck in a small local tournament last friday and Blood Moon was the best thing in my deck.
That said I don't claim to know a thing about Modern :).
Posted 23 August 2013 at 09:03


Yea, you mean galvantic blast, I agree that normally that should be the choice because a 3 drop would be inefficient. But with my modular I think volt charge is completely worth it. It drops a 1/1 counter on all my creatures and does 3 damage so i was thinking it was worth it for that. I guess i could be wrong haha but i think it'll come in more handy than most people see.

No no blood moon is definitely worth a spot in here if i could find room, maybe the sideboard actually, I just didnt have 8 to 10 dollars to drop on each card since i dont actually own any. And with this deck i was hoping that it wouldnt even matter too much cause this deck would go off so fast (that's what i was hoping at least haha)

I researched alot of modern tournament decks I would see in play and with what I saw, i think this deck has a good pace for the opponents to worry about and I was thinking volt charge, although high cmc, is good enough to run, I should be able to benefit from it without wasting a turn. =p

modern or not i like your advice, you have more input on the game than most anyone i've met, or should i say more practical input. I most generally take your advice to heart everytime. I dont claim to know everything about this game or any format anyhow so I appreciate the advice and suggestions from anyone. haha
Posted 23 August 2013 at 13:13
