Discussion Forum

Haunted Plate mail beats


I'd like some thoughts on this deck it went 5-1, only losing to hyper aggro. Plate mail was the star of the deck protecting PWs. attacking with Mutavault, makes 5/5 soldiers trade with all in coming threats, and making Aetherling attack for unblockable 12.
Posted 14 October 2013 at 18:16


If you're having an issue with fast aggro decks, you may want to put Omenspeaker or even Yoked Ox in your sideboard. Omenspeaker can chump long enough to get you into your bigger spells and helps you dig for them. Yoked Ox comes down turn 1 and will block basically every creature in a weenie deck with ease...

Either option will get you into the midgame where you can just wrath it away and swing in with your equipment.
Posted 15 October 2013 at 11:07
