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Damia, Sage of Stone

Hey guys

I'm starting a Damia, Sage of Stone deck. Mainly because I like that color combination most of the available 3 color generals and I already have a The Mimeoplasm deck.

So how do I abuse her, she's pretty expensive (mana wise) so her ability really has to matter.

My first thought was Bottled Cloister, allowing me to draw 7 from Damia, Sage of Stone every turn. Playing Bottled Cloister makes me want to play Ensnaring Bridge. Which seems pretty good as I have access to a lot of tutors and getting pieces of certain synergies will be easy.
Drawing cards makes me want to play Psychosis Crawler = always good. If I have enough artifacts I can run Glissa, the Traitor for reccuring artifacts and Beacon of Unrest which is always good.

My Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx has also just arrived making me want to play Mind over Matter to abuse the shit out of it together with my draw engine. Playing Mind over matter makes me want to play Arcanis the Omnipotent and Jace's Archivist. I'm not going to combo it with Temple Bell.

On top of Nykthos I can play Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and maybe Cabal Coffers and all the black creatures and green creatures that double my mana. Playing tons of mana means I'll need mana outlets. Genesis Wave seems absurt and makes me want to play Concordant Crossroads. I probably want to play a few other black fireball like effects that possible mean lifegain for me or some other secondary effect.

Anyone else care to continue my train of thought?


Posted 13 November 2013 at 14:23


- I might want to play Mindslicer

looking for simular cards I found

Thought Gorger

- Null Profusion seems powerfull with Damia and can be broken with Reliquary Tower if I'm not mistaken (and time stamp of reliquary tower can be altered with bounce land which in turn is useful for Bojuka Bog)
Posted 13 November 2013 at 16:15


When I aim for a deck that draws A lot of cards I want ways to play a lot of cards or just drop them into play

Myojin of Life's Web seems to be a good way to do this.
Posted 13 November 2013 at 16:25


Cloister would be awesome but leaves you extremely vulnerable to a blowout with no options to combat removal on other turns.

I would avoid Reliquary tower entirely as you really don't even want to get anywhere near 7+ cards with Damia out.

If you're going to play the time shifted Null Profusion you need to also play the original (Recycle) for redundancy and I'd also suggest Abundance which helps you get far more value from draws in that you can get your 1 land per turn and then the rest is all value. Also, to avoid the possibility of getting stuck without being able to draw which is possible with those cards (due to 2 lands in hand or mana costs/colors), I'd recommend Ghost Town so you always have at least one land to play to trigger the draw.

I'd aim to get out a Library of Leng before you drop either of them as discarding down to 2 is actually a good thing in this deck and being able to stack the top of your deck with things you don't want in your yard is useful.

I'd recommend the "Words of xxxxx" (at least waste and wind) cards along with Paradox Haze.

Damia is a high priority kill target so you need ways of protecting her. I'd recommend vanishing and perhaps Neurok Stealthsuit.

If you're wanting to go the "combo" route which some of your ideas are suggesting, I would go with Parallel Thoughts.

Burgeoning is a must if you want to dump your hand quickly and it will also help get her out far sooner in the game.

These all put a really heavy enchantment focus so you'd probably want to look into enchantment based cards as well.

The deck will have a serious weakness to Chains of Mephistopheles and Notion Thief so make sure you can deal with both or even play them yourself and make sure you have replacement effects available to avoid triggering them.
Posted 14 November 2013 at 09:34


cheers man, really appreciate the input

I had already put aside some of the cards you mentioned like Burgeoning which seems very good indeed. I hope I have Recycle somewhere, probably have but it's going to take a while to find it. I had totally forgotten about it and it seems fantastic to play both + abundance like you suggested.

For protection I was going with Lightning Greaves and Asceticism and I was thinking of including some lands like High Market and Phyrexian Tower to get rid of Damia when I really need to. I had not really concidered how potentially negative her ability can be for me before you raised the issue. I've never had a high opinion of this general and this is an other reason why.

Her mana cost really bugs me, so I'm putting in tons of mana ramp and intend to play at a high mana curve. Playing her without protection in a desperate situation where I'm low on cards seems like a really bad situation. Like you said she's a big high cost bullseye.

I didn't know Ghost Town and now I kind of like it, a lot. I don't own it so I could play Undiscovered Paradise for now and try to pick it up somewhere. Seems very powerful for landfall triggers so I think I'll pick up a full set to play in other decks as well.

I was already tempted to play Cloudstone Curio but if I do I need a lot of synergies around that, so probably I'll drop the idea due to lack of space. I have this misplaced love for Roil Elemental and abusing the shit out of it. But it's such a fragile costly creature to run.

I've never seen anyone play Chains before so I'm not scared of it but Notion Thief would wreck me. So far I'm the only one playing it in my group but I think that is going change, it's an awesome card.

thanks for the valuable input, gives me quite a bit to concider. I'm building my first version tonight and I'll post it as soon as I have it.

cheers man!!
Posted 14 November 2013 at 10:01


Lucky you... one of the last games I played had two chains out at once and I ended up casting Deglamer on one three times in a single game. >.>

It's an expensive card so it's not super common but people that do own one sure as hell like to play with it... lol
Posted 14 November 2013 at 10:12


I know one guy who owns it but I've never seen him play it. He sort of keeps his legacy staples sepperated from his casual decks and I've never seen him mix it up. I never even seen him play his duals in any of his multiplayer decks even though the rest of us do it. Then again he's by far the best player I know (ex-pro) and he easily beats us without playing these expensive cards so I guess he has no reason to overkill it :)
Posted 14 November 2013 at 10:30


I would totally go for Necropotence, Sakashima the Imposter, chains of mephistopheles(but the deck would be a bit different), , Parallel thoughs is a game winner
Paradox Haze
survival of the fittest
gaze of granite can help along with pernicious deed

Though it all depends on the route you are taking, those colors are combolycious...

In my group there is only one damia and it goes form Arcanis the Omnipotent,temple bell..-mind over matter
Palinchron +7 lands(11mana) + mana doublers =inf mana.
Enter the Infinite+Omniscience
damia+mind over matter plus double or triple mana land=a >=14mana more per turn.
Boseiju, who shelters all + tooth and nail = Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion

In our group we have 1 specific house rule, no one can be attacked twice in the same round, thought he rarely wins but when he does it is in a big fashion, and always with a big smile...

and he has ulamog and kozilek for the deck shuffles


If you want a theme fun deck there are 11 gorgons in magic all within damias colors, and 2themed cards for it, and 2 with flavour
Xathrid Gorgon
Visara the Dreadful
Sisters of Stone Death
Reaper of the Wilds
Pharika's Mender
Masked Gorgon ( this is awfull )
Korozda Gorgon
Keepsake Gorgon
Hythonia the Cruel
Gorgon Recluse
And of course Damia, Sage of Stone

Gaze of the Gorgon
Gorgon Flail

Treasured Find
Gaze of Granite
Posted 23 November 2013 at 04:24


Hi, I'm new here and I can't post new thread! I want some input with my damia deck!

here it is

Posted 17 October 2014 at 17:20
