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Need Help with making my deck Legal for Standard


I am relatively new to the Magic game, however I have managed to build me a nice deck. Sadly it isn't legal for standard competition, and I would like to make it such. I have a link to it here, with the current sideboard and deck set up. My goal is to be able to play in all formats(mainly Standard) with this deck build.

Any suggestions?
Posted 20 November 2013 at 00:06


- link doesn't work
- you cannot build a deck that is competitive in multiple formats. Standard decks are to weak to win in older formats. Some standard decks are so strong that they dominate other formats as well but then they are adjusted to fit those formats. Caw-blade was such a deck, it was broken in standard and the main cards were banned in both standard and Modern, to this day it's one of the best decks in legacy but the legacy version of the deck is far stronger then the standard version ever was mainly due to better lands, better counterspells (force of will) and brainstorm, the strongest legacy legal card.
- Only play standard if want to be a competitive standard tournament player and you are activly going to participate in tournaments on a regular basis. Don't play standard as a casual format because your friends tell you to. It's the most expensive format there is and your expensive cards turn to worthless crap every few months when they rotate.

It's better to invest in a format like Modern that doesn't change, in Modern every card printed since 8 edition is ligal if it isn't on the ban list. The best investment is legacy but that's a big investment most people don't want to make. It's also a very difficult skill intensive and frustrating format to get into.

if you play casual stick to the vintage ban list and tell anyone who tells you your deck isn't legal to grow up. Because vintage is perfectly legal.
Posted 20 November 2013 at 08:15


-I am sorry about the broken link, I had changed the name of the deck last nite after I posted this thread and hadn't thought to update the link. Here is the new link

-I get where you are coming from with it not being worth the while trying to make my deck playable for multiple formats, even still I do plan on trying to get into the standard tournaments. But I would like to keep the flow of my deck all while still being able to play legally in the standard format.
Posted 20 November 2013 at 23:59
