Discussion Forum

Ghave, Guru of Spores Tokens

Hi, I was hoping to get some feedback on my deck, it's proven to be fairly decent in both 1-on-1 and multiplayer matches.


I am aware that I need the shock lands, fetch lands, and dual lands, but I don't have them at the moment.
Posted 15 December 2013 at 09:55


Dead link.
Posted 16 December 2013 at 07:46


Sorry, I changed the name and didn't realize I'd have to post another link.

Posted 16 December 2013 at 16:04


Acorn Catapult is really bad.

I don't quite understand why Scythe of the Wretched is in the deck. You don't have a general that pings or is likely to do much combat damage so it seems to be just "good stuff" in here.

Bloodline Keeper - You're not playing vampires and this is really slow token production.

Divinity of Pride - On color good stuff...

Jarad - You're fairly light on creatures and not running any dredge/mill so he's not going to be that big. You're playing tokens so most of them are going to be rather tiny unless you've already combo'ed off in which case he's "win more"

Spike Feeder is pretty questionable. Aside from combo'ing him for infinite life with Mikaeus and a sac outlet he's just bad.

You're pretty weak overall in white but I don't think Thraben Doomsayer is really the way to go. He is so slow and tapping to create a token is just not worth a slot when you can create them for "free" on your general.

Worldspine Wurm - More Good stuff. The 5/5 tokens aren't really what you're aiming for with Ghave.

Awakening Zone is pretty bad. Creating tokens for the sake of creating tokens isn't really helpful and it's pretty terrible as far as ramp goes.

I would be wary about using land enchantments for mana acceleration. They make a great target for a strip mine giving them a huge 2+ for 1 play off it.

Harrow is a powerful ramp spell but it's also one of the best Counterspell targets. I would gladly waste a counter to set a green combo deck back two turns.

Debt of the Deathless is one of those boring "oops I win" cards. I would cut it just because it's boring and has no connection to your theme at all.

Demonic Collusion and Diabolic Tutor are really expensive for the effects. I would cut both just on how bad they are. If you can't get Demonic Tutor try to get a Diabolic Intent. You have plenty of tokens to sac and it's far cheaper and easier to work with than those 4-5 cost options.

Temporal Extortion is awesome ...in a black deck. In a three color deck it's going to be too hard to cast until late game by which point "half your life" is going to be like 5-10 damage and easily paid. If you want an "extra turn" card, go with Seedtime.

As far as potential additions or changes:

I would try to get your colors balanced more. You've got ~50 green but 25 white and it plays a lot better if you've got a more even split.

You have no removal. White is amazing at mass and single target removal. There are tons of options like Hour of Reckoning which won't even kill your tokens. Decree of Pain would be another good one that would draw you a ton of cards.

All three versions of Elspeth are amazing in token decks.

Illusionist's Bracers are like another doubling season for your Ghave.

All token decks should probably run Skullclamp.

Spike Weaver is one of the best green creatures when your deck cares about counters. You can fog all day.

Nacatl War-Pride is an excellent finisher. It makes a ton of tokens and makes sure ALL of your other creatures connect.

Forgotten Ancient is another awesome counter creature.

Since you've got a lot of combos in your deck, most Persist creatures would be quite powerful as well. The better options are Puppeteer Clique, Twilight Shepherd and Woodfall Primus.

I would run something like Blood Artist so that you can better take advantage of your death triggers.
Posted 17 December 2013 at 07:51


there's a lot of really good echantments for this deck like

Beastmaster Ascension is bonkers
Black Market and Mirari's Wake
Grave Pact and possibly Martyr's Bond
The Abyss if you have it (buying it isn't worth the money)
Fecundity is bonkers
Contamination if you want to play it dirty :)

and Replenish brings it all back for a late game possible instant kill

Some other good cards that I don't think where mentioned yet to concider:

Mirror Entity
Juniper Order Ranger
Slate of Ancestry
Helm of Possession
Posted 17 December 2013 at 09:54
