Discussion Forum

Big Booty Ho


I have a question do counters stay on lands? I would think they would.
Posted 27 December 2013 at 17:33


When making this deck I set out to make a mono green control deck. At first I noticed it didn't have any control. So I changed a few things. And now the deck is all the better for it. First the deck is now a slim 60 cards. Also I added one more creature and four pit fits. Only dropping 2 enchantments from the total number of enchantments in the deck. Also I have beefed up the side board. Now it can be called a green control deck.
The main reason for this deck is because a lot of people love playing green but cannot stand up against the standard control cards that all other colors have. My girl friend loves playing mono green but she needs a deck that can hold its own. I think this deck does the job nicely.
Posted 28 December 2013 at 13:34
