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Bloody Murder

I know you all are looking for the most winning deck out there. Here you go. You're welcome. There is a card I would put in place of another but this is the over all deck and is good enough to win over any standard deck. At least I would think so.
Posted 27 January 2014 at 03:09


Can you stop the trolling? This won't beat the majority of standard deck. There's no card advantage. There's no tempo. There's no early interaction. The deck isn't doing anything that good decks need to do to be considered good.

Rakdos is an aggressive color combo. You don't have any early aggression and the odds of doing much of anything relevant before turn 4 is almost non-existant.

Transguild Promenade does not belong in any deck. Certainly not one claiming to be the best in standard. Bad limited cards are bad limited cards.

Your green splash is pointless and you'd be better off cutting the green completely and replacing the random "tutor" (it's a bad cantrip that doesn't give you what you need 2/3 of the time) with Read the Bones to dig at least 4 cards deep and giving you card advantage regardless. Boom, that saves you $80 on your mana base and you won't just fold to a deck sideboarding Burning Earth...
Posted 27 January 2014 at 11:05


Oh I didnt put out the deck card for card as I intended to do so. At the last moment I changed it up.But this post of yours made me add a indept about the deck. It really works and well. And that land card is not that bad. The Singal of Clans is needed and works really well in the deck. So now that i have held your hand like a child, giving all the info you need. I must say up your game up bro. I believe you honestly thought I was trolling and I forgive you. You not as skolled of a player as I am. What is obvious to me isn't clear to others.
I may lack kn the knowledge of all the rules but I more than make up with good soumd strategy. I've already told you all how to make a deck that will win without having to know what others will play. If you don't want to listen that's your fault. So don't go blaming me.
Other stuff: reading bones don't work well in this deck. But you are right you're right draw power helps. Think about for a second, what draw card would do well in a creature base deck? And if you put that card in the deck make sure you make the deck so you are top deck'n by the 4 or 5th turn. Dude the point is I am not going to teach you how to make a deck. I have given you the outline to the most winning deck in starndard. You should be happy with that. Some people are just ungreatful.
Posted 27 January 2014 at 12:52


I suppose any deck can be amazing when you don't play by the actual rules of the game. That doesn't make this even mildly competitive at the game we call Magic though.

Stop trolling.
Posted 27 January 2014 at 13:17



Epsilon: You must be really bored at work to have actually read all that and now you made me read it just out of curiosity :)

Vines: thanks man, I feel enlightened :)
Posted 27 January 2014 at 15:31


I play by the rules. Never said I didn't. In fact I strive to follow the rules. One reason for the red and green card is because it only cost two. And in a creature deck ideally you want to be able to put down at leat one creature each turn and having this scearch card that omly cost two mana makes putting out one creature each turn more possible. The four mana card you talk about it just cost too much.

Add on: I put up a deck using the same idea it is just more straightforward in its use. Imo less powerful still it is another deck that should be able to win any of the top popular winning decks.

Posted 27 January 2014 at 20:41


I didn't talk about a four mana card. Read the Bones costs 2B.

Let's compare the two cards though for this deck.

Signal the Clans costs GR which is an extremely tough mana requirement for a deck that is 2/3 B. The odds of you casting it on turn 2 or 3 is extremely low.

Read the Bones costs 2B which is an extremely easy mana requirement for a deck that is 2/3 B. The odds of you being able to cast it on turn 3 is near 100%.

Signal the Clans guarantees you a creature card but only a 1/3 chance at the card that you will actually want/need for a given situation. The point of a tutor is getting the exact card you want which effectively brings the total # of a given card from max 4 to max 8. Having only 1/3 chance of getting the actual card you want completely destroys the entire point of it being a tutor and it really becomes more of an instant speed cantrip. Instant speed cantrips don't have two color requirements making this grossly overcosted for the effect.

Read the Bones can dig four cards deep. If you're casting it on curve, there's ~32% chance of getting the exact card you want (if there are four of them in your deck). Any time after curve just increases those odds. However, it also gives you a second card. (AKA card advantage) It does include the chance of not hitting a creature at all but removal or lands can be more important anyway.

Statistically, there are nearly identical odds of getting the card you want with either card. Read the Bones has a chance of missing on creatures but gives you two cards instead of one which is far superior in general. Signal the Clans also forces you to reveal all three creatures which will give your opponent a lot of insight into your game plan which is relevant to sideboarding in following games or even holding back reactionary spells when they see you just tutored out a god.

As far as this deck goes, the curve is too high. You have absolutely no way to answer artifacts or enchantments (and gods are very common currently). The plan is easily foiled and you're telegraphing your intentions from the beginning with Signal the Clans. In other words, it's not going to be successful against most decent decks.

There is no deck that beats all other decks by default. This is a game of counters. Every strategy has a weakness. Completely ignoring what is currently successful in Standard and suggesting your poorly constructed deck is going to beat all other decks by default is just foolish.
Posted 28 January 2014 at 08:39


To me read the bones is one of the best draw cards printed in a long time, that said my use for it is in Commander decks but still it's far better then most stuff they print in standard which is usually just spins on Divination and this is the best divination ever. digging 4 deep for 3 mana is very good.
Posted 28 January 2014 at 09:46


I already told you that card cost too much. I thought you were talking about two different black cards becuase you used the word tutor. I was saying no to both. You need to be putting out creatures. If you think it is really great use it. Its downfall will show up quickly. I'm not all hip to the lingo mtg players use. So forgive me if I miss umderstand you some times.

See I wouldn't be using Singal the Clans on turn two. I would be using it on turn 4 or 5 once I have already played creature or two. I have used that Read the Bones card it only works in high control decks.

As for the artifact the deck doesnt need to worry about them. As of right now artifacts are for control decks and if they are control that means they have less creatures. See what I mean? These are principles I use all the time when building decks The only thing I could have to worry about is enchantments. But it seems like the only decks using the are white. And from what I played against and seen played it does not worry about as it stands.
Posted 28 January 2014 at 09:49


You keep talking about the importance of getting creatures out but you literally have none that are worth playing before turn 4-5 to begin with.

There are five 2 drops, two of which aren't likely to have the color requirements met by turn 2 and all of which are utility creatures which add no real board presence early. No 1 or 3 drops. Every other creature in the deck costs 4+ How are you playing anything but removal before turn 4?

Your deck does absolutely nothing in the first 3 turns of the game. That in and of itself is a sign of a BAD deck if you're wanting to be competitive. Aggressive decks can potentially kill by the third turn. Control decks can start to lock the board down by the third turn. Ramp decks are at 5-6 mana after the third turn. Early plays are extremely important. All you can do is spot removal.

Please stop saying Read the Bones is too expensive at 3 mana. Especially when you're playing a filter land (Transguild Promenade) which effectively is making you pay 3 to cast your Signal the Clans anyway. As Seth pointed out, it's literally the best Divination ever printed. They don't generally print better anymore.

You do need to worry about Artifacts and Enchantments. The God Weapons all see some amount of competitive play. The Gods themselves are nearly all playable as well. BNG is adding 5 new gods and at least 3 of them will be seeing standard play. Not to mention Underworld Connections is one of the best cards in standard right now. How are you going to deal with these enchantments? You can't.

You don't understand how control works if you think you'll be able to beat them just because they play fewer creatures. If your deck is so creature centric, you're missing about 10 creatures from your deck to make it truly an aggro deck. You're not playing a lot of creatures yourself. Certainly not enough at the lower mana costs where there's actually an advantage to having more creatures.
Posted 28 January 2014 at 12:02


Oh I understand where you're coming from now. See, the deck I posted up is not deck intended to smash any deck in standard. You can look at the talk shop section. I'm not just going to show you the deck card for card. That would be lame. If you want the deck that can win any of popular win decks in standard you at least have to put it together your self.
Underworld Connections is a good card. Also keep in mind the deck would be agressive it would just hold you off and then kills you in one blow. That's how it works.
You misunderstood what I meant by control having less creatures. I meant, most control cards don't do damage and need time to work. With Bloody Murder it's control is faster than other control decks and the control is by far stronger because you're doing deck while leading up to control win. But this new set has a lot of potential for strong control decks. That blue and black looks mighty good. But might need some white.
Posted 28 January 2014 at 12:39
