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What is the most damage you've ever dealt in one turn?

I'm curious because I had one game where my elf deck executed pretty much perfectly. It's not exactly completely finished because there are a couple of cards that would really make my deck that much better.

However, thanks to Nissa Revane and getting out every single elf in my deck at once in one turn I dealt 272 damage directly to my opponent thanks to Taunting Elf.

I forget what his previous life total was, but I know I did do enough damage to beat him 13 times over, and it just made me wonder if anyone else has had anything even close to that ridiculous happen to them as well.

Also, seeing as this is my first post my apologies if I missed an existing thread like this one.

link to deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=41848
Posted 27 January 2010 at 18:26


Well it wasn't that much, but it was still pretty funny. My friend plays a Mono white life gain deck. After a few attacks with his celestial mantle he was sitting pretty with well over 100 life. Figuring he can just sit back and wait to draw his Sovereign ftw. Low and behold I finally draw my Sanguine, and drop it on the battlefield he looks and me and was like you haven't been holding onto blood tribute have you? Then I hit him for half his life, gained half, and Sanguine hit him for the other half. The lifestats swapped and he was at zero quite mad.
Posted 27 January 2010 at 19:55


this deck can do UNLIMITED dmg in just a few short turns but its not the greatest deck one fireball ruins it lol http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=41773
Posted 27 January 2010 at 20:16


Umbral mantle and an elvish archdruid producing 4 mana and an imperious perfect on the field will make two infinite/infinite creatures and produce infinite tokens and mana in the process.
Posted 28 January 2010 at 06:54


infinite dmg thanks to izzet guildmage+lava spike+desperate ritual
Posted 28 January 2010 at 14:54


http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=41773 here is my inf dmg deck refinished and 10 times more effective
Posted 28 January 2010 at 19:05


Ok, it's no infinte damge scenario, and I din't plan it, it just sorta happened. I was playing a Jund deck with Saprolings, and I had a few out already thnx to Jund Battlemage. I hit the table with Mycoloth and he devoured about 8 creatures. My opponent was running a weenie deck and was pretty mana screwed and we were just having fun with bullsh** decks. After a few turns I drew a Dragon Broodmother. I hadn't been attacking for a reason I can't remember, so I threw the Mother out. In two turns of spawning dragons I made the latest one Devour everything. One dragon with Flying and a Power of over 560 and Toughness too. Needless to say, my opponent was dead before he said Holy Sh**!!

Another story was my friend was running a mill deck and we calculated his combo to mill for over 2500 cards!!! I know right. I don't remember the exact combo, but when I do I'll post it here.
Posted 29 January 2010 at 03:09


I think outside of an infi damage combo, my record was 1600 or so with Buffed Myr Tokens.
Posted 29 January 2010 at 10:41


i had fifty something merfolk and two coat of arms so i swang for about 4000
Posted 29 January 2010 at 19:43


Using Rings of Brighthearth, Gilder Bairns and Clockspinning on my Festercreep I ended up with him at 320/320. I didn't have an opportunity to attack, because my opponent had the stupid swan where damage is prevented and the attacking player mills that many cards. I won anyway, but next turn I would have been able to attack with the Bairn, use its untap ability, use the Rings ability three times and bring the Festercreep up to 5,120/5,120.

I like Gilder Bairns.:D
Posted 29 January 2010 at 20:48


i was playing my saproling deck, i had out about 250 saprolings that were 4/6s beacuse of a few other cards, i toyed with him and waited until i drew 3 overruns, i only wish i hadnt run out of things to put down as tokens, otherwise it would have been A LOT more then only 250, it would have easily made it over 1000, i had 3 doubling seasons out and i waited a long time, with many saproling spawners out.
250 x 16 = 4000 damage on the dot, but he blocked like 7 of the saps, so only 3888 life damage
Posted 31 January 2010 at 17:06


i had an overrun deck once, the last time i used it i was using cheese nips for tokens
Posted 02 February 2010 at 00:37


I think the most I have ever inflicted is on Duel of the Planeswalker I made someone go to -95 using the elf deck. It was definitely a fun game.
Posted 02 February 2010 at 00:44


short of infinite i think it wasa 8000 with a lot of goblins that could attack twice had quadruple damage and could sack for 10 damage each. i used a panoptic mirror to get a bunch each turn and would creature control by sacking goblins. goblins FTW.
Posted 02 February 2010 at 00:56


32,000,000/ more
I'm lame and used Elvish Channeler and perims aura into Consume Spirit i've also used Helix Pinnicle in this way.
Non-Infinite- About 1458ish
My opponent had blockers but I had lots and lots of Squirrels and a couple of Coats of Arms
Posted 10 February 2010 at 18:02


i had serra avatar + celestial mantle attaking. my opponent had sprout swarm in hand and could only produce 1 tocken per turn due to mana screw. eventualy i drew removal and hit for 48,746 damage after 2 fogs
Posted 23 February 2010 at 23:52


my best was with my saproling deck used mycoloth at 30/30 for 4-5 turns and then hit out another mycoloth devouring everything then played a liege of the tangle and life and limb waited 2-3 turns and attacked with liege and made all my saps 8/8s then next turn played 3 echoing courage and all saps were 14/14s and i hit for 68000 something damage :)
Posted 25 February 2011 at 23:31




Pentavus+Doubling Season+Ashnod's altar. 1 mana, pull off a +1/+1 from the Pentavus, creates two tokens. Sac one to ashnod's Altar for 2 mana. Use 1 of it to put the other token back on the Pentavus. He gets two +1/+1 counters. 1 floating colorless left. Rinse, repeat. An Infinite/Infinite Pentavus, and infinite 1/1 Flying artifact tokens(Plus, if you have Juniper Order Ranger on the field the tokens are 2/2s and he becomes infinite/infinte).

Take it easy cats,
Posted 27 February 2011 at 01:56


I was running my old school saprolings with Rhys and Mycoloth I was a prick and didnt swing for like 15 turns. I had about 1300 saprolings in a turn I played 4 beastmaster accesions and next turn ovderwhelming stampede on mycoloth eveything got like +104 so I swung for 125X1300=162,500 not with mycoloth or Rhys. Thats most for me other than ass baging with quillspike & devoted druid (infinite shit).
Posted 27 February 2011 at 06:12


i actually did 304 damage in one turn with my white mass creature deck
( http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=150553 )
it was all locked up because we both had a tone of creatures and couldent do anything without the other blocking all of the creatures
i had all of my mana out and got white sun zenith and sent out 19 more cats and thought abut attacking next turn
then the next turn comes and i pull one of my victory herald ( idk how all 4 of them were at the bottom of my deck -_-)
but eather way it came out and i had to wait one more turn to use it tull its fullest
then my next turn comes i attack with over 30 2/2 cat creatures, over 10 1/1 myrs and over 10 white solders with other creatures out with victory herald giveing them all flying and lifelink with my battlecry creatures
with all the blocking he did with the flyers (about 2) i inflicted 304 damage and gained 304 health
when i counted i told my opponent and both of our jaws dropped
Posted 03 March 2011 at 17:33


p.s. if u get a chance please take a look at my white mass creature deck and tell me what u think .
thank you
Posted 03 March 2011 at 17:34
