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Mono Red Deck Help

Hey guys, I was in the process of building a deck, and I needed a little help.

I'm trying to build a mono red deck that is the truest form of Red's "personality". If you don't know what I mean when I say this, please read Mark Rosewater's aritcle "Seeing Red", posted in the Wizards of the Coast, Magic the Gathering web page. I put a deck together, but it didn't feel like it was as good as it could be.
Here are some of the cards I used: ball lightning, comet storm, fireball, lightning bolt, earthquake, molten disaster, sulfuric vortex, pillage, Chandra the firebrand, Koth of the hammer, braid of fire, lightning serpant thatcher revolt, breaking point, and wildfire.

I don't have to use these specific cards, they just happen to be in the deck at this time. Please use cards that are only legal in modern and/or standard. It would also be great if this deck could be used in 1 vs 1 battles as well as in multiplayer battles. Use the MTG Salvation Wiki for different possible mechanics this deck could use. Any help you guys could give me would be great. Thanks!
Posted 25 June 2014 at 20:30


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