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Control Shifting

Was wondering if when you gain control of a creature If it enters the field again.
I Slave of Bolas a Captain of the Watch, do I get the soldier tokens?
I always thought a creature entered the field again and that's why it usually gives creatures haste.
Posted 10 February 2010 at 09:49


Good question, afaik this sort of thing is why they brought back the wording of "Casting" vs "Coming into/Entering play".
Posted 10 February 2010 at 10:19


Indeed, we had a nice gamenight once in a local store, and we got to the discussion of it.
It was previously believed that when control shifted via 'spell that the creature in question would enter the battlefield again.
Then me, being a smarta** decided to ruin everyones fun and say "Well, if I played control magic on that, causing it to enter the field again, wouldnt that remove the control magic?" Everyone just kinda, looked at each other for a good 10 seconds then decided to start a new game rather than a huge debate.
Posted 10 February 2010 at 10:25


Control changing effects don't treat the affected permanent as though it just came into play. However, since the rules of summoning sickness say 'if this creature has been in play under your control since the beginning of your last upkeep, you may attack with it', you can't immediately attack with a stolen creature unless it has haste.
Posted 10 February 2010 at 12:17


If that is the case, I'd have to argue a little. Say they play a creature, lets call it Goblin. Goblin comes into play, They end their turn, its my turn, I do jack all because normally that's what happens. They proceed to finish their 2nd turn in which Goblin no longer has summoning sickness. I play Control Magic on such said Goblin, Control magic doesn't grant haste, so according to your ruling it would somehow magically "GAIN" Summoning sickness although it hasn't left nor re-entered the battle field?
Posted 10 February 2010 at 12:21


[QUOTE=Kalibr]If that is the case, I'd have to argue a little. Say they play a creature, lets call it Goblin. Goblin comes into play, They end their turn, its my turn, I do jack all because normally that's what happens. They proceed to finish their 2nd turn in which Goblin no longer has summoning sickness. I play Control Magic on such said Goblin, Control magic doesn't grant haste, so according to your ruling it would somehow magically "GAIN" Summoning sickness although it hasn't left nor re-entered the battle field?[/QUOTE]

it is not his ruling, it's THE RULES of magic the gathering. NightLoki knows the rules, believe me!

When you gain control of a creature is it does not enter play again as it was already in play it just changes controller. As Loki said when something changes controller it has summoning sickness as by the rules that state that unless it's been under your control since your upkeep it has sickness. Also the state stays the same, if it was tapped it remains tapped, if aura's and equipment are attached they remain attached to it (although they themselves don't change controller and remain under the control of thier original caster)

as for the slave to bolas thing, you just gain control of captain of the watch, captain of the watch does not enter play again so no additional tokens are created and those that were already in play remain under the control of thier origenal caster. It's pretty straight forward.
Posted 10 February 2010 at 12:45


yeah, Seth got it right with all that lovely extra stuff. It could be worse, we could be dealing with combat when banding's involved. Yech.
Posted 10 February 2010 at 12:49


Well, If you gain control of a creature and it keeps everything it had, being tapped, having enchantments/Equipments, wouldn't it also not 'have' summoning sickness, since when you stole it from such said person It never had summoning sickness? I don't see how the logic behind that works, Sure if he played it then before his next turn you stole it the creature would have SS.

If that is how it actually works, I believe it should be revised a little. A Creature that loses summoning sickness shouldn't then gain it once it shifts control.
Posted 10 February 2010 at 14:01


Yeah it's a strange rule but stealing creatures is hard enough to deal with as it is under the summoning sickness rules. There Are some pretty hard oldschool cards like Treachery and Vedalken Shackles that really don't need an extra boost.
Currently in standard stealing creatures isn't all that crazy so it might look a bit underwhelming from a standard point of view.
Posted 10 February 2010 at 14:10


Them's the rules. Some bits aren't as intuitive as others. Then again, it keeps stuff like control magic from being a lot better than it could be, and it'd be irritating to rewrite the rules over something so core. You should look up what gets copied when you make a copy of a creature. especially animated lands, those are fun. And America Control did run Mind Control in the board for a while to take care of Malakir Bloodwitch
Posted 10 February 2010 at 14:10


Neato, well, thanks for the feedback and information.
Posted 10 February 2010 at 15:12


consider the summoning sickness being the creature's dizzyness after suddenly finding itself on the opposite side of the conflict and not knowing why :)
Posted 10 February 2010 at 15:21
