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Sliver Edh attempt

So I've never made or played EDH but I'm trying to change that atm, I've made my first draft at a sliver Edh deckhttp://www.mtgvault.com/caantpayrent/decks/slivers-edh-help/ so I'd like feed back on it and any advice

I have a large sideboard which are actually cards I was considering

Other than the sliver core I have deck has a few aspects

1 - blue bounce spells to offer small amounts of control as well as a couple draw cards
2 - black graveyard animators
3 - green tutors and mana ramps

The general idea is to ha e crystalline sliver out as early as possible
Turn 4 at the latest, with sliver overlord being summoned turn 3...

Once crystalline sliver is out then combo in any sliver really but I like to get sliver hivelord as well
Posted 09 August 2016 at 12:14


i wouldnt recommend making a sliver edh, my friend has one and its so boring, u just play some silvers and u either kill everyone or lose game to boardwipe
Posted 30 October 2017 at 10:01
