Discussion Forum

Help with creating first EDH Deck.

Hey guys, need some help setting up my first EDH, I want to shoot for a red minotar deck, I have a bit of experience with playing MTG. I use to play a standard deck that had haste and minotaur and was wanting something really good in that field or anything else that you can recommend. Thanks for the help guys@
Posted 17 October 2016 at 22:33


I would try red-black minotaurs there is a lot of good black and multicolor red-black ones ones that give them all death touch and another can make them coast less. My personal suggestions for the commander would be mogis,god of slaughter he isn't a Minotaur but works well with them is in the right colors not insanely expensive and is just a great card plus he looks just like one. Then pack the rest of all those horned beast and go berserk.
Posted 14 December 2016 at 04:07


add sol ring pretty good card, mana ramp is op, u can then play g00d minotauros and stuff u know
Posted 30 October 2017 at 10:00
