
9 Decks, 11 Comments, 1 Reputation

I'd take out the Rubblehulk for a Domri Rade if you have access to one. It can help if your early creature gets destroyed. Maybe throw in a few Temple of Abandon to help color fix (not a whole playset since they come in tapped, just a few). I also agree with Neoxtreem's comment on using Titan's Strength to help smooth out your draws.

Posted 20 February 2014 at 16:50 as a comment on Rampaging Honey Badger


You're missing one of my all-time favorite mill cards! - Mind Funeral It does work and routinely for me at least mills around 15 cards every time I play it. Sometimes as little as 10, but sometimes as much as 26! Feel free to check out my competitive modern mill deck -

Posted 04 February 2014 at 13:39 as a comment on Blue Black Mill


Have you tested out Ethereal Armor? Helps big time w/ multiple enchants.

Posted 07 January 2014 at 22:26 as a comment on Blue + White . HEROIC PROC


It is pretty slow in that situation. Plus Decay can't be countered vs U/W/R control which is a thing in modern, so it has multiple uses vs other decks in the format. (Not to mention that I already side in 8 cards vs Affinity! ;) I do own the 3 Mistys, but I'd like to get ahold of 3 Marsh Flats in the future to help out with it a little more (and to easily switch to esper if I feel like it in the future).

Posted 06 January 2014 at 21:07 in reply to #424397 on Modern UB Mill


Thanks for commenting! I haven't looked at any of your decks before reading your comments here, at least on this site(If you're on mtgsalvation under a different name, maybe). I've had help from other sites with ideas to come up with this deck, but to be honest most of it I've had before I ever realized there were forums and crap online to help make decks! I've been playing burn-mill (as opposed to combo-mill) since Glimpse came out in the original Ravnica set, and whenever a new/better mill card came out, I just added it in. I was super excited when I realized my kitchen-table mill deck was now legal in the new Modern format, so that's when I started investing some time and $ into it. Other than the Snapcasters and fetches (which I borrow from a friend when I play) I own all the paper cards and have had some pretty good success with it. My buddy's Merfolk deck can't win after a crypt incursion, and I can extract most everything Pod/Tron needs before they can combo out/play Emrakrul.

Also, I wasn't arguing that archive trap should be taken out, b/c it's really just amazing when you occasionally mill 26-39 cards before your first turn of the game when your opponent cracks a fetchland (I've never had all 4 in my opening hand yet!). I was just saying how I don't add white for the path to exile/enchant hate, but instead go green for nature's claim to remove leyline of sanctity for claim's cost effectiveness and the downside that doesn't hurt this deck's wincon at all. Some people will think I'm crazy for not including the 'best removal in modern' especially when it has the possibility to help me win faster with a trap in hand, but I like to keep the consistency of using mostly 2 colors as much as possible.
I do appreciate the feedback though, and if there's anything that I can improve (especially in the sideboard), I'm more than willing to try it out!

Posted 16 October 2013 at 03:45 in reply to #404037 on Modern UB Mill
