
1 Deck, 20 Comments, 2 Reputation

Yah this is a landfall deck doodad thrives off fetch (I dont think he realizes). You may wanna look into Bone horde as a late game equipment drop it gets huge with all the creatures in the graveyards.

Posted 01 April 2011 at 11:33 in reply to #138622 on Boros Blade


I suggest having journey to knowhere and day of judgement it works wonders in my kor deck also you need consistancy with your equipment that will free up space for more control cards. For instance:

Infiltration lens= early grab with mystic

Sword of Vengeance=Late grab with mystic

and 4 trusty machetes your bound to end up with them

Compare yours with mine heres the deck link:

Hope you like it I do :)

Posted 26 March 2011 at 15:03 as a comment on Kor Army


Heres the deck link:

Hope you like it I do :)

Posted 26 March 2011 at 14:56 as a comment on Koriok


Well you have the right swords but seems like you are lacking creature control I would recomend useing 1 sword of body and mind 1 sword feast and famine and then 4 trusty machetes that should be all the equipment you need since you can fetch for it with stone forge. I would consider putting in some journey to nowhere and maybe brave the elements check out my Kor white weenie

Heres the deck link:

Hope you like it I do :)

Posted 26 March 2011 at 14:47 as a comment on Speedy Kor Deck Pls rate


Hi im building a smiliar deck

Heres the deck link:

Hope you like it I do :)

Posted 26 March 2011 at 14:42 as a comment on Kor Equips


Heres the deck link: Hope you like it I do :)

Posted 26 March 2011 at 14:32 as a comment on Kor Equipment


Ive been working with Kor for a while now check out my Kor White Weenie I think i got it figured out, but open to more suggestions Ive been thinken about getting Threaders in my sideboard

Posted 26 March 2011 at 14:31 as a comment on Kor Equipment


If you throw in some white you could use Kor Sky fisher too bounce random artifacts and if you use glint hawk you could bounce artifacts plzz help with my mono white type 2 :)

Posted 25 March 2011 at 10:32 as a comment on golem portal


Hey I am building a mono white budget any suggestions?

Posted 25 March 2011 at 10:25 as a comment on budget mono white battlecry


You should consider Sejeri Steppe for if you exile it and bring it back into play with ruin ghost you can have a free protection spell plus landfall. I think that would be awesome in here :) If you are a mono green player you should tell me how too defend against with this deck =

Posted 25 March 2011 at 08:26 as a comment on need help, G/W landfall


Hey Have you considered Lone Missionary? Check out my Mono White plzzz

Posted 25 March 2011 at 08:19 as a comment on life gain for me


My latest Equipment deck I am going to play at friday night magic check it out

Posted 25 March 2011 at 08:12 as a comment on Kitty Parade (Standard)


Cool deck, yet i do not see the reason for quest for holy relic. I am making a similar deck please see my Hurl Grey constructed deck I need suggestions.

Posted 18 March 2011 at 02:19 as a comment on Metalcraft! (help)


Best way to figure out what cards to cut is too test play it. When your playing ask yourself what card you value the least. This is when you start making a side board. 66 cards in a deck is not terrible, but I always do minimum 60. You may want too side board brave the elements against creature control, and maybe 2 relic warder. I would keep leonin sky hunter as a 2 drop value replacement, but it all depends on what your playing against find out what the meta game is in your area and you'll be able to figure out what to cut.

Posted 17 March 2011 at 19:55 as a comment on Kitty Parade (Standard)


-I would run a full set of quests to better your chances of drawing it early.

-Take out Sky Fisher replace with cats too keep theme Leonin sky hunter would be my choice, or you can try steppe lynx which would be probably be your only one drop cat creature card, yet if you do not have a lot of fetch lands steppe lynx wont be that great.

- (rely on life gain and survival cache too help you draw cards. Maybe you will get enough creatures too set off quest.)

-I would also consider brave the elements great card for white creatures. Hence keeping your Kemba alive against removal.

-Sword of Vengeance is nice too like wise Strata Scythe


Posted 17 March 2011 at 06:09 as a comment on Kitty Parade (Standard)


No problem :)

I still think Quests and Kor Sky fisher are unnecessary considering all your creatures are 2 drops it would take forever for you to pop off the quests picking up the Kor Sky fisher will eventually get it too pop off but it does not fit with the deck and if your only running 2 quests you will most likely get them late game when you have dropped all your creatures and are now waiting to top deck 5 creatures!!!
Late game quests are just like having a blank card in your deck.

You would have better luck just top decking equipment. I like link between Ajani, the Pride mates, and Survival Cache(Look into Soul's Attendant as a one drop too replace sky fisher ^^). The healing will get pride mates buff and Soul's Attendant plus white sun zenith will bring you a ton of life as well.

Also since all your creatures are white i would recommend using Brave the Elements. It will protect your creatures from destroy spells, burns spells, un-summoning, and other nasty stuff. Brave the elements will do wonders for supporting your cats.

Argentum armor seems a bit pricey 2 have more than one, but I would not run it cause its just 2 pricey if you pull that card early game you have another blank card basically.

I hope my advice helps :0) it sucks stone forge mystics are so high in value because of the Sword of feast and famine, and body and mind. Which are the basically the cards you need to make any decent deck nowadays. Yet you have some decent equipment you just gotta pray for pennon blade i would consider putting in 4 trusty machetes for better odds of a consistent equipment. maybe dropping bladed pinions I am unsure because my deck is built around stone forge grabbing equipments for me is very different because i can tutor.

Posted 16 March 2011 at 12:56 as a comment on Kitty Parade (Standard)


Quest for holy relic seems useless you know it only gets counters when u cast a creature spell not when a creature enters the battlefield. Just a suggestion I think this deck would run a little slow but i suppose your trying to stall and mass I am not sure what your game plan is. Stone forge mystic would be nice.

Posted 15 March 2011 at 23:34 as a comment on Kitty Parade (Standard)


I am making a similar deck, yet for protection on Omnath I have been testing canopy cover. It might be faster than whisper silk. Also I use a few umbras and vines of the vast wood, but instead of just a fireball I got Emrakul+battle rampart too give haste so u can chunk annihilator 6 once you put him down and also the second turn u get from hard casting him into play ^.^

Posted 14 March 2011 at 06:56 as a comment on Omnath Fireball



Posted 16 February 2010 at 04:12 as a comment on Member Database


Hello i need my kor deck looked at

Posted 06 February 2010 at 04:51 as a comment on Member Database
