7 Decks, 35 Comments, 0 Reputation

need more walls, to be quite honest, may i suggest.......wall of frost and/or drift of phantasms? other than that its not bad. what do you mean by compete anyways?

Posted 15 November 2011 at 04:40 as a comment on Grixis Control (Standard)


Unfortunately, I feel like this is going to be expensive as hell. I like the idea but it's gonna be a long time before you build this

Posted 09 November 2011 at 02:32 as a comment on Equipt and Destroy


if there are two then the deck will be fine and it is a great fit jund just wants to hit you as hard as it can and as quick as it can, did you notice the number 2 by it? this deck can bring it back if need be but the way that he has built it he wont have to worry about it getting destroyed.

Posted 03 November 2011 at 03:00 in reply to #76752 on Jund Jund Jund


no i did not get more bloodbraids, i know that she is great but for what my deck does i don't think that it is necessary

Posted 28 October 2011 at 01:03 in reply to #210196 on Wolf-Run > Jund


i agree your deck has a good flow. this deck is just filled with an obscene amount of creatures, and not to mention you have to know what you are doing for a five color deck to work. if you could hunter, would you rate and comment on my two decks if you have a chance

Posted 27 October 2011 at 01:30 in reply to #24567 on Elementals' Path


actually it does work. yeah you are revealing them, but the end result of it is that you are removing them from play

Posted 09 September 2011 at 06:52 in reply to #198972 on Mill yourself


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