
7 Decks, 1 Comment, 1 Reputation

Thank you for your comment. Yeah, it is a really frustrating deck to play against. :P I've played it many times, approximately 70% were victories. If its going according to desire, you can start destroying lands in the second/third round...You almost only have spells to destroy lands so it should be no problem to maintain the constant destroying of the enemy lands, leaving your enemy with only two or three mana (depending on which one started the game), until he run out of lands he can play. Then your creatures can slowly kill him. Maybe there are some better win conditions, I'm open for new ideas. magnivore seems interesting, but I dont own that card. Maybe I should reconsider Slith Firewalker, which used to be in the deck and worked pretty well.
Only really cheap/fast decks or decks witch alternative manasource gave me a hard time.
But the biggest problem really is, that nobody wants to play against this deck after they realise how annoying it is. :P

Posted 15 January 2013 at 02:08 in reply to #316216 on Land Destroying
