
8 Decks, 9 Comments, 0 Reputation

I like the idea with all the creatures that can use the counter they get for other things. But if you ever really played this deck you would discover that if you ever needed to play Nourish you have already lost the game. Your opponent should be taking way more damage then you are, so when you out damaged in a deck like this it will not end well. Besides, you have enough board control with pestilence like effects that your guys will be able to swing thru with ease. Besides that though I like what you did with it.

Posted 17 February 2010 at 20:29 as a comment on Unsusual pestilence combo!


I like the idea you have there with Form of the Dragon and Transcendence, but I think you need to read Sulfuric Vortex again. If you have Transcendence and Sulfuric Vortex in play the game will stall out until one of them are destroyed. Because everything is now life gain but no one can gain life. I’m not sure if that was your plan so I just wanted to point it out.

The Dovescape and Enduring Ideal combo is funny. 7 birds every turn is very funny, but sadly that’s the only thing you can do every turn, but you get 7 creatures. So I think it’s a good trade off. And if you have Pyromancer Ascension in play with some counters on it you get 14 birds every turn! I like it. But speaking of Pyromancer, I can only really see it in there for one card. Ya, you can use it with Enlightened Tutor, but you just put two enchantments on top of your deck not in your hand. But I don’t know what you’d replace it with so I guess I shouldn’t bicker too much about it.

But all in all I like the deck, the only thing I can maybe suggest about is maybe Seismic Assault instead of Sulfuric Vortex. I only suggest that because when your epic spell is going off you don’t need to play lands. But really it comes down to I don’t think Sulfuric Vortex works well with your deck combos.

Posted 17 February 2010 at 00:20 as a comment on Transcendent Flame


Good points with the dark ritual and duress. Duress is a strong card but I have enough deck removal already that any spell they cast will more than likely get casted only once if that. But it’s a good idea. And dark ritual, well, I used to play that in there but I took it out because it was almost too much mana, I was catching myself with a land or two in my hand and then top decking a dark ritual instead of anything else. So I took them out and I think I put in the Nether Traitor when that came out.

Now the Wall of Souls, you were saying the best defense is a good offence. Check the text on that wall; it is as much of an offensive card as a defensive one. And I’ve had that wall save me so many times you have no idea. But thank you for the suggestions.

Posted 16 February 2010 at 23:50 as a comment on Shadow's Edict


That is an awesome combo! I like the deck man.

Posted 16 February 2010 at 16:53 as a comment on No storm Kobolds


Ya, i like it too. It's been one of my better decks for a few years now.

Posted 16 February 2010 at 16:46 as a comment on Pestilence Fever


Ya, I do only have one blocker, but you have no idea how hard it is when I make them sac there creatures and then extirpate that creature from there deck. Sacrament searches out another one of their creatures and then extraction gets rid of another. Have you ever played a creature heavy deck and your three big creatures are completely gone from your deck? I can tell you, that it isn’t fun. Now, on that point, I don’t have mass removal, and my deck is not a weenie deck in the sense that it respond fast enough after a wrath effect. But this deck has been working for me since tempest. Yes, sometimes it gets over run, but most of the time my opponent never have more than two creatures in play at one time. Thank you for your suggestion though.

Posted 16 February 2010 at 16:45 as a comment on Shadow's Edict


I’ve had about every sliver in this deck at one point or another, and these are why those slivers are unnecessary.
Might Sliver is 1: over kill, and 2: too much mana. Ya I have Gemhide so I have more mana then I know what to do with, but I’d rather have my Overlord for that slot or even better Sliver Legion.

Watcher and Bonesplittler are the same story, this deck is fast, and these cards slow it down. I’ve been playing this deck for years and it’s been great, also in mirror matches, other sliver decks can’t even keep up.

Now Shifting Sliver was in this deck for a long time, but then I realized something, every time I have Shifting Sliver in play I almost always had Winged Sliver in play, and they are both in the deck for the same thing, evasion. So I took the sliver by the wings and sord!

And that is why I don’t play those cards. Thank you for the help advice though.

Posted 16 February 2010 at 16:30 as a comment on Sliver Hive Mind


Ok, so i threw in some nonbasic lands for you all. I think it looks better already.

Posted 16 February 2010 at 16:12 as a comment on Ageless Oversoul


Ya, I was thinking that as well. But it works fine with out them so it's not a big deal either way.

Posted 16 February 2010 at 15:58 as a comment on Ageless Oversoul
