
336 Decks, 421 Comments, 29 Reputation

I think that should help.

Posted 23 April 2011 at 04:48 as a comment on Bloodchief's


I'd toss Glaze Fiend and replace it with a nice Golem. As for the mana myrs, I'd suggest finding a different source of mana.

Posted 22 April 2011 at 19:51 as a comment on Precursor Golem and his friend the Fiend


I'd suggest replacing Coat of Arms with Door of Destinies. I's generally better and doesn't help opponents.

I'd suggest browsing through the spoiler lists for the lorowyn block and maybe Shadowmoor too.

Posted 22 April 2011 at 19:48 as a comment on +1/+1 Faerie Army


I've seen that combo before, it's prety effective, though they had Wurmcoil in there too, if I remember correctly. I don't think join the ranks is necessary, I'm sure you can find something cheaper that's also in standard.

Posted 21 April 2011 at 01:45 as a comment on Shape Ablightsteel


That was kind the point. XD What were you expecting?

Posted 19 April 2011 at 22:32 in reply to #154995 on Let's Do the Time Warp Again!


I'd toss ruthless for another nighthawk, same with Child.

Posted 19 April 2011 at 22:05 as a comment on Ultimate Vampire (AW)


I agree that you have a good chance of being flooded, but that mana makes Blue Sun and Sphinx of Magosi mor effective, though I think I'll trash the Hedron.

Posted 17 April 2011 at 04:27 in reply to #153796 on Too Much Information!


I'm not saying Harrow is bad card, in fact I've got some in my Devour deck, which isn't up yet, but I don't think I want it for this specific deck with the amount of special lands I'm running and the fact that some may come into play tapped.

Posted 17 April 2011 at 04:23 in reply to #153959 on Dragon Apocolypse


No prob, I just feel that, when paired with Seeting Song and/or Rite of Flame, the mana is worth it for getting multiple dragons of my choice strait into play.

Posted 17 April 2011 at 04:20 in reply to #153882 on Dragon Apocolypse


I wouldn't bother with Stoneforge with only 3 equips. Maybe take one or two Stoneforges out and add a few more equips? Another blade or two would be nice.

Posted 16 April 2011 at 21:00 as a comment on Caw-Go Vampires


Corpse Cur is a little expensive, but may be effective, I'd definitly suggest Priests of Norn. Grafted Exoskeleton might be nice for your Current white creatures. To reduce costs, maybe throw in some Semblance anvils.

Also, kkep an eye out for New Phyrexia, should be some good cards for this.

Posted 16 April 2011 at 20:57 as a comment on White infect (good)


Okay, szo, Braid is now effective for Bogardan Hellkite and Soulbright, which may or may not be taken out. I still feel that Dragonstorm is useful to bring out the two legendaries and, if other spells were playe that turn, any others that might be useful at the time.

Posted 16 April 2011 at 20:53 as a comment on Dragon Apocolypse


don't feel that harrow is better, it's more expensive and lowers your max potential for mana which, seeing as this probably won't be the fastest deck no matter how you go about it, may not be the best idea. I was unaware that it went away at the end of each step, was that just added in M11 or something? I know it goes away at the end of your turn. Soulbright can be removed, but I thought that trample with mana acceleration would be nice.

Posted 16 April 2011 at 20:50 as a comment on Dragon Apocolypse


As well, I can't see any justification for the overgrown tombs, as I only have 5 black cards.

Posted 16 April 2011 at 20:43 in reply to #153882 on Dragon Apocolypse


And I'm not sure what you mean with dragonstorm not being any good in here.

Posted 16 April 2011 at 20:39 in reply to #153882 on Dragon Apocolypse


Check out Veteran's Armaments

Posted 16 April 2011 at 07:46 as a comment on My Soldiers


Both good ideas. I had taken out Broodmate before adding Doubling and forgot about it.

Posted 16 April 2011 at 07:44 as a comment on Dragon Apocolypse


Might just want to look it over and take out things that aren't effective in THIS deck, like Metalcraft things and Perimeter Captain, but otherwise, sounds like a fun deck to play. Unpredictable.

Posted 16 April 2011 at 03:26 as a comment on 1 cost


where's grindclock?

Posted 14 April 2011 at 23:35 as a comment on milltect


Take out all the mill, you don't have enough to make it effective. Also, I would suggest taking out most of the piddly little counter and redirect cards to make room for more artifacts. Also, might want to get an Inexorable Tides or two, as well as some Grand Architects. Stoic Rebuttal and Steady Progress wouldn't be bad. Take out Stormtide and throw in some Darksteel Juggernauts instead, replace Iron Golem with Etched Champion, it's smaller, but it'll have Prot from every color in no time. A good list of support Artifacts to get your hands on would be Mirror Works, Prototype Portal, and Support Anvil. If you do add some proliferate, you can add some Grindclocks if you really want to mill and Lux Cannon is always nice. Throne of Geth would be another useful Proliferate. I don't feel that the Thopters are necissary. If you want Thopters, go for a Sharding Sphinx or two.

Posted 14 April 2011 at 17:10 as a comment on Thats a shocker


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