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3 Decks, 5 Comments, 0 Reputation

Nice. I like it - very straightforward. Also, Phage is just awesome. Might be a little slow though if you can't draw her.

Posted 23 September 2011 at 22:32 as a comment on Phage the Untouchable


Tweaked a bit: Lacerators were taken out in favor of some Child of Nights. One more Bloodghast, one less Gatekeeper, one more Guul Draz (as it's now my only one-drop), and one less Kalitas in favor of one more Sorin. Better? I definitely think Child of Night's lifelink makes it a great candidate for a Nocturnus-heavy deck like this.

Posted 14 January 2010 at 04:04 as a comment on Sorin's Entourage


Definitely like the theme of this one. Seems like a solid strategy, combining all the cards that make things black with pro-black creatures. I assume that the creatures are the win condition then? Along with Pestilence? Anywho, +1.

Posted 14 January 2010 at 03:39 as a comment on They might steal your TV


Also, @into_the_aether, I see your point about the fetch lands. I'll look at my options for that :]

Posted 14 January 2010 at 03:32 as a comment on Sorin's Entourage


Wow guys, thanks for all the input! It really is quite helpful. I'd have to say I definitely like Kalitas despite the fact that he's not all that commonly used; I just like the card really.

Definitely see the points on more Bloodghasts, as well as throwing some Child of Nights - the lifelink would synergize nicely with being pumped by Vampire Nocturnus. Could get rid of the Lacerators; I might have just been too keen on getting enough early drops.

Another Sorin would be nice, I will take that into consideration. Thanks guys! I should get around to editing the list soon.

Posted 14 January 2010 at 03:30 as a comment on Sorin's Entourage
