
36 Decks, 17 Comments, 1 Reputation

Lol. I've seen Coat of Arms backfire too many times, but it would be fun.

I totally made this deck just because bats are my favorite mammals!

Posted 21 January 2013 at 20:27 in reply to #317797 on Bats!


Have you considered Gleancrawler? It only works if they died on your turn, but Hell's Caretaker has to be used on your turn anyway. Also, if they die while attacking, Gleancrawler will work.

Posted 21 January 2013 at 08:12 as a comment on Undying Penumbra


I tend to not use sideboards. The deck is intended to be super aggressive. Hopefully it will outrun any major flying threats. If I added things to deal with those, it would slow the deck down and defeat the purpose.

I also wonder what everyone has against Lumberknot...

Posted 21 January 2013 at 07:59 in reply to #317763 on Green Speed


I couldn't really fit any one-drops, sadly, but all the sacrifice is for ramp. The Lumberknot is for several reasons. With all the sacrifice, it will grow fast, it has double green mana cost, which benefits Primalcrux, and it has hexproof as a bonus. Sakura-Tribe Elder and Deathrender are the best!

Posted 21 January 2013 at 07:52 in reply to #317750 on Green Speed


Why the Sunforger if you have no red or white instants?

Posted 03 January 2013 at 07:58 as a comment on GW Ravnica


If you haven't already seen them, check out Skirk Prospector and Boggart Shenanigans. Those are some of my favorite Goblin cards.

Posted 03 January 2013 at 07:54 as a comment on goblinĀ“s


Yay for white graveyard return! ...also, you're at 59 cards, something missing?

Posted 03 January 2013 at 07:41 as a comment on Beacon


Added a sideboard for grins, though I never really use sideboards. I try to build the deck to be self-sufficient in dealing with whatever it comes up against.

Posted 03 January 2013 at 07:34 as a comment on Mulch


Hm... I'd probably go with removing the Rishadan Airship, since it has such a low defense and can only block things with flying, and/or some of the others that can only block flying. Then perhaps the Shield Sphere or Wall of Junk. Though if you want to keep those artifact creatures for theme, you could pull out a Wall of Frost instead. I have a general rule when deck building anything other than EDH... if it's worth having, it's worth having at least 2 copies. It helps make sure you are more likely to get the things you want, since it's a 1 in 60 chance otherwise. Try having about 20 lands as well. Unless you have high mana costs, you want about a third of your deck to be land.

Posted 03 January 2013 at 07:11 as a comment on Zeppelin Fleet


Thanks for the feedback. I actually prefer the Deathgreeter for the "may" aspect, and Typhoid Rats as cheap blockers. Since the deck is all about creatures dying, I am fine with the rats and whatever they block both heading to the graveyard, has better synergy than straight removal spells. They also make a great deterrent, and can be sacrificed to Doomgape if I get them late game.
Ah... the world in which I could afford to stack my deck with Maelstrom Pulse or Abrupt Decay must be a nicer place than this. I'm working with what I have, but the Pulse would be lovely.
I am also a player who never sideboards anything really. I know it's strange, but it's how I roll. Thank you, though!

Posted 30 December 2012 at 10:57 in reply to #312828 on Mulch


Mask of Avacyn to protect Olivia? In the non-standard deck my friend has with Olivia in it, he uses Whispersilk Cloak. Makes a big difference.

Posted 30 December 2012 at 10:02 as a comment on Courtly Vampires


You could try some cheap creatures that sacrifice for land, such as Sakura-Tribe Elder or Yavimaya Elder. They could stay out as early-game blockers, be sacrificed for land if need be, or be sacrificed when you want to have only one creature on the board. They also help buff your Lord of Extinction once in the graveyard.

Posted 30 December 2012 at 09:48 as a comment on Jace's island of solitary power


I love the theme for this deck.
Are the quantities based on what you currently own?
The things I might suggest would be a few less creatures (I tend to not go over 20 for the most part) and a few more spells. My favorite "bounce" card is Into the Roil, because it can target any permanent, not just creatures. Also, some spells to draw cards, such as Brainstorm, Ponder, or Preordain might be useful. Since you have fairly low costs on many things, this could allow you to get more on the field in a hurry.
Awesome first deck though, looks fun to play.

Posted 30 December 2012 at 07:21 as a comment on Zeppelin Fleet


Thanks! I have a version of this already, but decided to try adding a couple new things I got from RTR and the Izzet Vs. Golgari decks, so this is sort of a 2.0 for Mulch. I think it will work well. It was all based around the Creakwood Liege, Doomgape, and Gift of the Deity trio.

Posted 30 December 2012 at 07:07 in reply to #312799 on Mulch


Thank you. I love the Alara block. I think it would be fun to do more three-color sets after the RTR block, but it really does seem like time for a mono-color focused set.

Posted 30 December 2012 at 05:39 in reply to #311859 on Good of the Many


The Ghostly Flicker and Cloudshift won't work on the Conjured Currency, since it will be under the control of your opponent. You might have to straight up bounce it.

Posted 05 November 2012 at 03:19 as a comment on Here, have a kitty
