
165 Decks, 495 Comments, 115 Reputation

You shouldn't play fetches with Arbiter. I run a fairly similar GW list, and the most devastating wins are when you lock them out of land with Ghost Quarter and Arbiter. Relying on fetches are slightly unecessary.

Posted 09 April 2016 at 10:23 as a comment on U/W Hatebears


You shouldn't play fetches with Arbiter. I run a fairly similar GW list, and the most devastating wins are when you lock them out of land with Ghost Quarter and Arbiter. Relying on fetches are slightly unecessary.

Posted 09 April 2016 at 10:22 as a comment on U/W Hatebears


I like this a lot, Dragon Tempest seems amazing to me but it's frustrating that Dragons are all high costed.

Posted 24 March 2016 at 21:56 as a comment on Descent of Death


I like this a lot, Dragon Tempest seems amazing to me but it's frustrating that Dragons are all high costed.

Posted 24 March 2016 at 21:55 as a comment on Descent of Death


Also, Vexing devil would provide awesome synergy with Twin.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 11:00 as a comment on How to Splinter Twin(???)


Fiendslayer Paladin would be bonkers here, he's bolt-proof.

Posted 02 September 2015 at 21:45 as a comment on Modern Knights


It's cool, but in Vintage you'd probably be dead by turn four.

Posted 02 September 2015 at 11:06 as a comment on Gather the Forces


Seems cool, but Village Bell Ringer is much better in my opinion. He has much more combat utility for you. You can swing with your eidolons and guides, leaving 3 mana open. If they swing you can take them by surprise. The extra toughness is also incredibly relevant in Modern, so it's less likely to die to bolt. For the same amount of mana and a better effect I think Midnight Guard is a bit sub-par.

Posted 02 September 2015 at 10:56 as a comment on How to Splinter Twin(???)


Soulfire Grand Master is your friend

Posted 28 August 2015 at 12:53 as a comment on Boros Burn?


How do you win?Is it just Chalice?

Posted 28 August 2015 at 08:19 as a comment on Chalice [Modern Budget Life]


Why the Seeker of the Way?

Posted 22 August 2015 at 21:56 as a comment on Budget Modern Persecutor


Remand is an excellent tempo play here but if it's budget I think Mana Leak is your best option.

Posted 22 August 2015 at 21:45 as a comment on U/R "budget" delver


I think Ajani is a bit clunky and slow for a bomb in this deck. He has to compete with huge creatures and combos by turn 5/6 in modern. Maybe take him out and the Titan's Strength for 4 Helix, and an Ajani Vengeant? Makes sure you dominate the mid game. Some Path to Exile would be good a well to deal with combo pieces, like Deciever Exarch.

Posted 22 August 2015 at 21:42 as a comment on Naya Test


No worries.

Posted 22 August 2015 at 12:16 in reply to #559815 on Enchanting Deck


You need Dryad Arbor, otherwise sac effects wreck you entire deck

Posted 21 August 2015 at 23:59 as a comment on Enchanting Deck


This is the coolest version of this deck I have ever seen. Commandeer is beautiful here. I was looking for something to help me protect my combo, and I found ricochet trap, but Commandeer is awesome too.

Posted 19 August 2015 at 23:40 as a comment on Restore Balance


I take that back you have muddle the mixture. But still, one copy does seem risky.

Posted 18 August 2015 at 19:54 in reply to #559537 on Modern Cheerios


That is a very very cool combo. Hurkyll's Recall and Retract are bonkers. Just the one Grapeshot though? Seems very risky. Feels like you need some countermagic or at least something to back it up.

Posted 18 August 2015 at 19:51 as a comment on Modern Cheerios


Day's Undoing is amazing, if you're running out of gas you just get another hand. I suppose it's better for you than your opponent most of the time, and must be pretty good against combo players who have a plan, forcing them to rethink pretty quickly. Has it always been better for you in your experience?

Posted 17 August 2015 at 23:19 as a comment on america burn


Awesome! I just really love whacky sideboard tech. This guy played Storm against me once, and game 2 sided in Twin. Of course I take out all of my removal and anything that that would be good against twin, and he trounces me. Game 2, he takes twin out and I've put in twin hate so he did it again.

Posted 17 August 2015 at 16:28 in reply to #559407 on Hatebears with a twist.


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