
13 Decks, 4 Comments, 0 Reputation

This can be actually pretty funny, also consider Evolution Charm, Lys Alana Bowmaster, Hunted Troll, Flight Spellbomb

Posted 19 June 2013 at 12:20 as a comment on Fun with Elves


yea, reminds me good old times :) I remember very well we were trying some combos with them when we saw them first time.

Posted 18 June 2013 at 13:29 in reply to #367603 on Curio Shot


I like this idea with Curio :)

Posted 18 June 2013 at 13:17 as a comment on Curio Shot


Samorejme je to kombo deck takže to vyžaduje trpelivost a urcite to nevyhrává všechno, ale má relativne výdž a pokud to souper nezná a nedá si na kombo pozor, má velké trable,u me najdeš i jiné budget decky a takové proste jiné veci, než Jund, junk rites, Naya atd..
Jinak ješte pozor jestli hraješ i MODO, tak tam nemuže být v modern Wall of Blossoms, je potreba jí nahradit pomocí Carven Caryatid.
Jdu se kouknout na tvoje nápady :)

Posted 18 June 2013 at 13:12 in reply to #367595 on Modern Pride of Helix
