
337 Decks, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

Blind Obediance and Mizzium Mortars aren't needed, probably put Obediance in the Sideboard.
Needs more Silverblade Paladins, some Lightning Maulers and some more 3/4 four cost creatures.
I'd say about 21-22 lands, try get more Clifftop Retreats and Sacred Foundrys if you can.
Skynight Legionnaires might be alright, I'm not sure.
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben is really good.
Might want to try some Hellriders, probably fit well for the curve and the other cards in the deck.
Spark Trooper would probably be very good.
Zealous Conscripts are good, I'd put some in the Sideboard if you can.
I'd put 3-4 Pillar of Flames in the sideboard, too.
You don't need to much Artifact/Enchantment hate in the sideboard, maybe try just a couple of War Priest of Thune or Erases and a two Smelt maybe, you don't usually need to destroy enchantments/artifacts, just kill them, could probably avoid them all together.
I don't think Daring Skyjek is very good.
Also, Volcanic Strength is good in the sideboard for other red decks.

Posted 02 May 2013 at 08:05 as a comment on FNM Deck Remasterd
