
5 Decks, 2 Comments, 0 Reputation

I would recommend getting rid of ben-ben, goblin assassin, brightstone, and the geode ritual thing. Theyre allll too slow. The brightstone isnt that bad, but its definitely too based off of what you have on your plate, which could sometimes be nothing, and then you're hanging on to a card that you dont really need due to the overall cheapness of goblins in the first place (especially if you run skirk prospector or infernal plunge). I would say that if you're making a goblin deck its gotta be fast. You're overall CMC's are too high. you're gonna want some 1 drops, and a fair fair amount of 2 drops (goblin tokens mainly) with your 3 and 4 drops (goblin king, goblin cheiftan, and Krenko) coming in for the huge dps while your 5 drops are there for finishing (dragon and seige-gang). also i wouldnt run more than 2 chancellors. Unless of course you're going for a slower kind of goblin deck that revolves around some cool goblin-tribe control and a finale of bigger dudes. in that case though you're competing with the other decks that can make even bigger and even badder just as quickly (like green) so you're gonna want something that really sets your deck apart.

TL;DR less big cool dudes and more smallies that are gonna lead to the accentuated power of the other goblins that buff your original small dudes. that or you could go the fast route but then you're left finding ways of fighting off other big slow decks. i think if you take out some of the slower things and replace them with like krenko's command it would look better!

It looks good though :D

Posted 16 February 2014 at 23:11 as a comment on Butts
