
0 Decks, 90 Comments, 1 Reputation

Can't make it work at all in Standard -

And she really is key to the whole thing - for her ability to force people to search their library. And the alternative to her, although a bit ... strange, is Fertilid ( ), which also isn't exactly Standard. ;)

Posted 27 March 2011 at 15:12 in reply to #146586 on Evil Librarian


Correction: I notice you actually realized the speedkill is one turn faster. Why didn't I consider casting Maralen and the Ascension both on Turn 1? Ah well... good one of you to point out.

Posted 27 March 2011 at 14:17 in reply to #146889 on Evil Librarian


Good to see you also found the turn 3 kill, which already was present in my version. Regarding the legality of the turn 3 kill, yes, it's completely legal. It will work just fine.

I like the idea of Lilliana in your version, but, I'm not too sure on her mana cost. I prefer to keep mana cost very low in most decks I build.

A little suggestion for your deck, Reverberate ( ). As you noticed in my version I use Twincast. Obviously the primary method of winning is going to be the drain life of the Ascension. But in case I play against someone with a mechanic to prevent the loss of life or something, milling their library really hard (by copying the Trap and thus casting it twice for just 2 mana) is another way of getting there quickly.

Just think about it... 2 x (Trap + Reverberate / Twincast)... that's already 52 cards. Enough to kill the deck. Let me know what you think, curious to hear your thoughts on furthering the goal of my Speedmill, Maralen / Trap combo. Another card to consider - Glimpse the Unthinkable ( ).

For the record, by the way, I don't have the deck in reality yet, I'm still designing it and I'm actually also a bit stumped for money. But, when I land a new job, I'm definitely building it in some fashion or another.

Posted 27 March 2011 at 13:01 as a comment on Evil Librarian


It is an interesting idea but it lacks focus and speed. Not sure what to make of it, really. Are you intent on keeping it Red? Because, if you ask me, the whole course of making things into artifacts with the coating, to then blow them up... could be faster and more effective using different colours.

One thing I can say though - it needs more speed, you need some mechanic to spam the use of the coating. Something like Voltaic Key.

Also, look at your mana curve - it's heavily geared towards 4+ mana but has no real mechanic to get that mana fast. You may want to look into something like Rite of Flame, if you want to stick with Red. Just to get a few key things out faster than I suspect they would get out in the deck's current shape.

Posted 25 March 2011 at 22:21 as a comment on Land Goes Boom


It's a very different approach to the mill I'm designing, but, well... have a look anyway, maybe you'll find some inspiration in it.

As I said, still designing, but the base idea is there to stay. ;)

With the proper draw it's a mill that can get a kill on the opponent's third turn.

Posted 25 March 2011 at 21:31 as a comment on Quick Mill Really Effective


Try my own aggressive Red for some inspiration:

As the description says, it has a turn 1 kill in it. And several turn 2 kills, as far as I know - should really make myself a list of all turn 1 - 3 kills it has, actually. Beyond turn 2 the number of quick kill combinations increase exponentially.

Thing is - why the lack of creatures? There's so many wonderful creatures out there, really should simply use the best of both worlds - good fire and good creatures. Thing is with fast Red - it should be completely focussed around being fast. Really fast. Don't bother too much with other concerns.

Posted 23 March 2011 at 04:02 as a comment on Fastest Burn Deck


To be honest, I don't see it winning anything. Too slow, not enough search abilities, and so forth.

Posted 08 September 2009 at 14:15 as a comment on the blue infinity


Not quite sure what you're proposing to accomplish with this deck other than getting Progenitus in play. The deck needs a finisher of some sort. Progenitus alone isn't a guaranteed victory in any way, shape or form.

Posted 05 September 2009 at 05:23 as a comment on Progenitus


My suggestion would be to abuse the combo of Sneak Attack next to Pandemonium. With creatures like Phyrexian Dreadnought, Krosan Cloudscraper and Jokulmorder. Maybe even add a Lifeline to the combo as well for good measure. ;)

Posted 05 September 2009 at 05:15 as a comment on Sneak Attack


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