
0 Decks, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

i believe it is possible to make even more things with only 4 cards. while it's not the golems they are creatures. I'm sorry to necro this tread but it's kind of and interesting question that i came up with that corresponds perfectly with this thread. so the quest/problem how many things can you put into play with out going infinite and only using limited (it can be arbitrarily large just not infinite) amount of mana?

while i will not limit you to single copies i believe if you do it rights it's all you need anyway. for reference i will say that my "combo" uses 60 mana total for the entire chain. i would post the number, but legitimately i haven't figured out how to even calculate it yet. i am going to do some research tonight and see if i can post the answer as best i can and at least put down my list of cards and the order to cast them in (yes that does matter for mine). while i believe i can out number everything posted on here with just 4 cards the total list is a full 7.

my store has a pretty dedicated EDH following so conversations like this one come up fairly often hence why i searched out a thread like this. i will post full answer hopefully over the next few days. it's an immensely complicated process to put it all down correctly into an calculator and or just on paper.

i will tease all of you by posting part of the equation that is happening while the 4th card is almost fully done resolving in all it's forms. 4,718,610 X 2^4,718,611. I'm pretty confident that this number would calculate out higher than anything listed on this thread yet and this is before I'm even though with the 4th card. this thread is titled most absurd and i think i can give a finite answer within reasonable constraints for in fact the most.

Posted 27 October 2012 at 21:58 as a comment on The Most Absurd Deck Ever
