
2 Decks, 3 Comments, 0 Reputation

yeah and i like the idea of having a second elspeth but i am torn as to what i could cut. I really like the amount of removal that i have as it will always show up when i need it and makes sure i can deal with any meta deck (i.e mono blue devotion mono black devotion white decks with feindslayer decks with blood barron or dragons) also the deck funtions best when your starting hand has some kind of removal. cant really afford to cut a dude so idk bahaha

Posted 08 June 2014 at 23:55 in reply to #470903 on (Theros standard)Dega Midrange


So the keyrune are important for the reason they get you to 5 or 6mana before your opponent so you can start playing threats that they have to answer quickly or they will loose personally I'd be more likely to it a mortors over a keyrune

Posted 08 June 2014 at 22:15 in reply to #470903 on (Theros standard)Dega Midrange


I've had that consideration but overall I've liked having the mortars more as elspeth is t needed she's
More of just a support card so I have no need to see her at all times. Most of the te I'm happier if I have a real removal spell.

Posted 08 June 2014 at 18:15 in reply to #470903 on (Theros standard)Dega Midrange
