
11 Decks, 2 Comments, 0 Reputation

Probably wouldn't be mainboard, but a Phyrexian Rebirth or 2 would go well on the sideboard? White card that clears the table, and gives you an artifact? The token itself would certainly be a threat with an empty table if you don't have a Shape Anew in-hand yet.

Posted 27 February 2011 at 22:54 as a comment on Master's Call-ossus


I had a B/W NDE deck myself, and there are a few staples you're missing here. The most important being Angel's Grace. Not only will it save you from death, but it will put you at exactly 1 life(all for only 1 mana, and it's an instant!). Since this deck is creature-heavy, I would also run 4 Worships. As long as you have a creature on the field, you don't go below 1 life.

A couple 1-ofs. Death's Shadow(look it up, it fits this deck well), and Yawgmoth's Bargain(You're paying life to draw cards, it helps both ways).

My deck only had one creature in it, so I ran a lot more spells(Silence, Imp's Mischief, Castigate), but you're going in a different direction from me. Good luck!

Posted 09 February 2011 at 10:21 as a comment on Near-Death Experience
