
67 Decks, 2,598 Comments, 630 Reputation

You should read this page and have a good long laugh:[W]&text=+[destroy]+[all]+[creatures]

Turns out white removal is a bit more powerful than most players believe.

Besides that, I will add rest in peace. RIP Fiendslayer Paladin, I'll find some deck to sideboard you and Kithkin Knight in. Maybe a lifelink deck ...

Posted 17 April 2014 at 01:27 in reply to #456048 on Good (k)night!


Oh well ... feel free to build upon the budget framework as you find sicker and sicker cards. That's my favorite way to make decks, period. I mean, if my soldier deck was bad-ass in it's budget form, how much better will it be when I add Gideon Jura to it?

Posted 17 April 2014 at 01:23 in reply to #456134 on Budget Decks: Simic Hydras


Well ... I waste my time on gatherer reading the hilarious comments on mtg gatherer for ridiculously good cards. The comment pages also contain some pretty sick combos.

Just read this blip on Gideon Jura:

And Northern, I call dibs on making a Gideon-themed deck XD.

Posted 17 April 2014 at 01:21 in reply to #455999 on Budget Decks: Simic Hydras


Hey NorthernWarlord,

Nice to see one of your decks in the "hot seat". I knew this budget deck would make it!

And to anyone who is interested, check out the Budget: Golari Hydras deck Northern made:

Posted 17 April 2014 at 01:11 as a comment on Budget Decks: Simic Hydras


Man, you work fast.

Posted 17 April 2014 at 01:09 in reply to #455986 on Budget Decks: Golgari Hydras


:( Not fair to the kithkin! (kinsbaile cavaliar)

Posted 17 April 2014 at 01:08 in reply to #456037 on Budget Decks:Another Equipment


I think it's specifically for copying decks from other sources or real life. It allows you to import, say, multiple cards at once, but the spelling has to be perfect. Back when I made my first account, I recall there was a tutorial on using it and making links in comments ....

Posted 17 April 2014 at 01:07 in reply to #456043 on Budget Decks: Standard Human


Thanks! Your suggested cards seem useful.

Posted 17 April 2014 at 01:05 in reply to #455684 on Good (k)night!


Thanks for the info, though I think I will stick with Wrath of God - it costs the same as Day of Judgement, but creatures can't be regenerated!

Posted 17 April 2014 at 01:04 in reply to #456048 on Good (k)night!


Which of the 3 exile spells - gaze of Justice, Reciprocate, or Path to Exile - is best? Should I use oblivion ring? Basically, I need dome help fine - tuning the removal in this deck.

Posted 16 April 2014 at 18:04 as a comment on Good (k)night!


How do you find all these underrated budget cards!? How do you come up with all these neat deck ideas?! How do you make them so fast!? Bulk importer?!

Most importantly, HOW ARE NONE OF THESE HOT DECKS!?!?

You have my vote, as always.

Posted 16 April 2014 at 17:46 as a comment on Budget Decks: Standard Human


I love when a genuine ingenious low-cost deck gives the big boys a ran for it's money. How bout adding kor firewalker?

Arrest looks very ... interesting. Reminds me of a more powerful pacifism.

P.S. I think I will make a Kor Tribal deck, you have inspired me!

Posted 16 April 2014 at 17:32 as a comment on Budget Decks:Another Equipment


My friends say that I spend too much deck space on removal.

Decks like this make me think that I do not have enough.

I like bleak coven vampire ... how bout putting it in an Orhoz: Artifact deck!

Posted 16 April 2014 at 17:26 as a comment on Budget Decks: Ol'Good Phyrexia


Sorry my bad.

Just check this out:[W]&text=+[destroy]+[all]+[creatures]

Posted 16 April 2014 at 17:14 in reply to #455999 on Budget Decks: Simic Hydras


The only issue I have with deck is it's cost. Other than that, it's an excellent deck.

And iona does not stop ANY mono colored deck. She is so large, even with your amazing strategy (don 't get me wrong, it is) that any mono-colored deck worth it's salt will already have quite a few creatures out, since mon-colored decks lend themselves to aggro tactics.

That being said, she will murder most red burn or blue control decks if she gets onto the field. Her high health makes it very hard for red burn abilities to remove her. In fact, it's hard to remove her, period.

However, she cannot stop colorless spells or activated abilities (or lands, if Knight of the Reliquary or something similar is out), and is liable to be unable to stop a mono-green or mono-white agro deck which can have 4-6 creatures out on turn 4 or 6, especially if that deck is a tribal deck. For example, Pentarch Paladin could still nail her in the face with his "2W, tap, destroy target creature of chosen color". Hey... a deck built around Pentarch works pretty well with this lady!

Also, look out for any abilities really. Boros, Clerics, Treefolk, etc. have activated abilities that WILL hurt your strategy. Watch out for the treefolk dude Lumberknot - he'll pump himself up with all the creatures you put in your graveyard.

In conclusion, don't get cocky. Instead, I suggest adding something like painter's servant or distortion lens to stonewall your opponent, and add some removal like disenchant and doomblade.

Posted 16 April 2014 at 16:53 as a comment on The Dark Kingdom (Mono black)


This is why I run a white knight deck w/ knight exemplar (gives knights indestructible) and day of judgment (destroy all creatures - they can't be regenerated).

Posted 16 April 2014 at 16:49 in reply to #455999 on Budget Decks: Simic Hydras


And this is why I stick to white or blue :). Aegis of Honor all the way!

Seriously though, nice deck. Where's corpsejack menace?

Posted 16 April 2014 at 16:15 as a comment on Budget EDH: Kresh's Lunchtime


Oh my ... just the sheer among of lulz when master biomancer is in the field!

Let's see, Mycoloth comes into play with 4 +1/+1 counters on it thanks to master biomancer. I then devour my hydras to gain 14 +1/+1 counter. But WAIT. My mycoloth really gains 36 +1/+1 counters thanks to primal vigor. But WAIT ... that's really 72 +1/+1 counters thanks to corpsejack menace.

let's see, it's my next upkeep.I proceed to place 144 saproling creature tokens into play. And they EACH gain 4, err 8, err 16 +1/+1 counters!!! So I have 144 17/17 saprolings on the field. And they have either flying or trample!

Optionally, one can simply put the 36 +1/+1 counters on master biomancer with bioshift if the opponent kills mycoloth. The best part ... primal vigor doubles the amount of +1/+1 counters the creature receives.
And I think that I have not done the math right ... since the doubling abilities are all on the stack... nevermind, I did it right.

Yikes, this is scary.

Posted 16 April 2014 at 15:36 in reply to #455999 on Budget Decks: Simic Hydras


Holy crap, I found it!

It's ((primal vigor))! It targets the entire battlefield, but it's much cheaper. If you use it, make sure to bring along ((simic manipulator)).

And the ridiculous saproling card is ((mycoloth))!

Posted 16 April 2014 at 15:19 in reply to #455999 on Budget Decks: Simic Hydras


*head explodes*

If it catches on, I am pretty sure Wizards will not allow doubling season to go unbanned much longer XD!

Posted 16 April 2014 at 15:11 in reply to #455999 on Budget Decks: Simic Hydras


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