
8 Decks, 45 Comments, 0 Reputation

Why do you have geosurges in there? I don't see them helping very much.

Posted 13 May 2011 at 18:23 as a comment on pyromancer prolifearation


Slip in an emrakrul for when you happen to geosurge with a couple pyromancers active?

Posted 12 May 2011 at 15:03 as a comment on pyromancer prolifearation


Ahhh, well Mirrorworks is a fun card to bounce when you have multiple of them on the field as long as you have the chalices to pay all that colorless mana, otherwise you're wasting your time. The whole idea is if you need to, you could spend each turn using venser to bounce contagion engine and using the mirrorworks to clone it as it comes into play so something like 4 contagions enter the battlefield and set off their effect. A big thing to exploit with Venser is enter the battlefield effects, one of my favorites for this deck being Sea Gate Oracle for a little extra draw power and a nice 1/3 blocker. Wall Of Omens is pretty nice for the same concept.

Posted 11 May 2011 at 04:30 in reply to #161158 on Venser Tourney Deck


The way the deck plays, I could see big Jace being pretty helpful but ohh god that sounds like it will set my wallet on fire. Little Jace is a little insignificant in power compared to just running normal instant/sorcery draw with pyromancers though.

Posted 10 May 2011 at 07:48 as a comment on Deceiver Twins


Are you talking about Turn 1 Glistener Elf, Turn 2 swing, Groundswell (or 2 Mutagenic Growth) + Assault Strobe?

Posted 10 May 2011 at 06:45 in reply to #160973 on YOU LOOSE


Actually I have 2 call to minds and 4 pyromancer's ascension and in my playtesting I do pretty well rotating lightning bolts with copies if I don't manage to get my deceiver/twin combo going.
As for why to not run the fourth twin, the twin is a dead card without the deceiver, and I have no other card that really benefits from it, even if twinning a spellskite would have some definite funny value drawing their spells onto a clone.
Mental Misstep will counter some combo dissruptive cards, including mental misstep, spell pierce, IOK, Duress, Fog, and surgical extraction.

Posted 10 May 2011 at 06:38 as a comment on Deceiver Twins


Hey, those who helped here, hope you wouldn't mind taking a look at my deceiving twins deck and posting some advice. I ran a few test games and it's decent but I'd really like to improve it.

Posted 10 May 2011 at 05:11 as a comment on Deceiving Twins


Needs more everflowing chalice, needs a Venser, needs a contagion engine, need to bend mana curve back towards the low end if you want to survive to make Venser shine.
Pretty much, this should not be labeled a tourney deck, but Kudos for using Venser, he's my favorite printed planeswalker so far.
Ohhh, and a second mirrorworks, because it's totally worth being able to get mirrorworks tokens (and then dropping 4 contagion engines :O)

Posted 10 May 2011 at 05:06 as a comment on Venser Tourney Deck


Good luck on this deck, I havn't thought of any tips for it yet, maybe suture priest as you will be bringing lots of creatures in and out of the battlefield and lifegain is not bad, but you also have BSA there.

Posted 10 May 2011 at 04:26 as a comment on birthing pod


I don't question Livewire to be a wonderful card, I just thought the deck seemed a bit weak without one on the field. Just seemed like you were running the risk of being vulnerable to control-type decks that can keep you from getting your lash out, or prevent it from staying long.

Posted 10 May 2011 at 04:12 in reply to #160973 on YOU LOOSE


They were just ideas, and Beastial Menace could still be nasty with Oran Reif and such, and it does include an elephant. I like your loyalty to the theme though.

Posted 10 May 2011 at 04:09 in reply to #161012 on Ivory


I'm putting Surgical Extraction in my R/U combo deck, I think I'm going to get some good use out of it even if I always have to pay 2 life for it. Exiling all those Caw-go birdies, or countering and then exiling someones surgical extractions/duresses/inquisitions. I'm psyched out to work the kinks out of my current project deck.

Posted 10 May 2011 at 04:07 in reply to #160970 on The Rise


Ohhh, I noticed just a bit ago that surgical extraction hits hand too, so if you kill the first bird from caw-go you can rip the rest out of their hand, brutal.

Posted 09 May 2011 at 23:27 as a comment on The Rise


I wasn't saying you should run fireball, if you're going to burn like that Red Sun Zenith or Comet Storm are much more nifty.
I was just questioning Lava Axe, why not Staggershock or URZAS RAGE!

Posted 09 May 2011 at 21:59 in reply to #160975 on Ouch!


Yea, I don't think stealing the Gideon is a very nice thing to do. Especially in the first game, then in the second, side in the hawks and steal their sword. Ohhh the laughs that can be had.

Posted 09 May 2011 at 21:57 in reply to #160970 on The Rise


Overrun? That might be a nice add in. And maybe Beastial Menace.

Posted 09 May 2011 at 21:41 as a comment on Ivory


I didn't really feel the owl to be too needed as 2nd and third turn could drop a spellskite or exarch which both have decent bodies better than a little chump blocker. I like the direct card advantage granted by see beyond, and it's ability to shuffle something you don't need like a second splintertwin back into your deck.
If any of you could give your thoughts on my version of this deck, it would be greatly appreciated.

Posted 09 May 2011 at 21:14 as a comment on Deceiving Twins


I'd rather take a Gideon and just keep on drawing their field to his (and phyrexian obliterators) face.

Posted 09 May 2011 at 18:48 in reply to #160970 on The Rise


But don't even think about proliferating on that lux cannon ;p
I'm not seeing where the Chalice is pushing it's weight enough to justify it. Just a thought though.

Posted 09 May 2011 at 18:21 as a comment on Proliferate Infect


lol lava axe?

Posted 09 May 2011 at 18:11 as a comment on Ouch!


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