
135 Decks, 197 Comments, 44 Reputation

I only play casually with 2 other friends. So we're currently a total of three, sometimes others join in, but not that often.

Posted 23 May 2013 at 23:34 in reply to #355825 on Glissa, the Traitor EDH


Oh! I looked at this deck earlier! Didn't really know what to comment before :P it looks good as a multiplayer deck. If you're also playing with the house rule of "you can't attack the one with lowest life total" it can be pretty harmless for a great while and also kill off those who dares to sit at low hp just to not be attacked :D

Posted 23 May 2013 at 21:55 as a comment on Kokusho, Surprise!!!


haha :D glad I could help! Thank you for the comment :D

Posted 23 May 2013 at 21:28 in reply to #355905 on Traitorous Machines


It might just cost a wee bit too much for this budget deck :P These decks are meant to be between 10-20$ or so. It would kinda put it at the far edge if you see what I mean.

Posted 23 May 2013 at 20:59 in reply to #355882 on Budget Decks: Elf


Both of them would mess up my Birthing Pod. I' have to remove my Arcbound Crushers for one of them. It's a good suggestion though. I'll consider it. It's currently more of a themed deck, but hey, could always change it. Thanks for the tips in either case :)

Posted 23 May 2013 at 20:45 in reply to #355889 on Traitorous Machines


I have a lot of things with modular as well as artifacts that sacs other artifacts or themselves to do something. I use glissas ability to bring the modular creatures to my hand again and paly them. Eventually, I wiwll have a big creature on the field. I also have a backup plan with forcing my opponents to block glissa to sweep their field. Knowledge pool, Lux cannon and Omen machine is simply there because of fun. Well, not Omen machine and lux cannon at least. Omen machine can turn into a monster in a way so that I will constantly be able to sac my artifacts for bonuses and replay them while my opponents will simply have to topdeck for the rest of the game.
I'd love any tips on any cards that might come in handy with this deck and what to keep/not keep in the deck :)

Posted 23 May 2013 at 17:15 in reply to #355825 on Glissa, the Traitor EDH


why elite vanguard and not dryad militant? It's just better, except it's not a human, but I don't see a problem in that with this deck.

Posted 22 May 2013 at 19:35 as a comment on [Casual] The Holy Army


I'm guessing Trading Post

Posted 20 May 2013 at 15:11 in reply to #354470 on R/G: Undying Storm


All decks has a counter. Except Storm Crow decks. Nobody beats that bird deck. ^^

Posted 20 May 2013 at 12:58 in reply to #354080 on Upkeep Paradox


Ah, I see :) you're welcome!

Posted 19 May 2013 at 20:31 in reply to #354148 on My Main Deck


On a sidenote, I love Reality strobe + Paradox haze! I love it when you get lots of both of them and just sit there and keep playing more Hazes and Strobes! <3 eventually, your enemies field will consist of nothing!

Posted 19 May 2013 at 17:42 in reply to #354080 on Upkeep Paradox


Firstly, Figuree out your (usually) 1-4 bse cards. These cards are the most important for you to win and should always be 4 copies of. (legendaries should only be 2, as otherwise you'll most likely end up with 2-3 of them on hand a lot of the games)
After this, figure out what cards can be there to cover their weaknesses or build more on their strenghts to ensure that you'll win. You should always have a backup plan in case the cards you use to win is somehow countered in some way (like how a mycoloth deck would need some way to boost toughness to make sure that they don't die to a simple "Illness in the Ranks")

Now. What are your 1-4 base cards? I am guessing Talrarnd is one of them as he is on your decks picture. In that case, building a lot of Instants and sorceries and ways to get more of them is a good idea. Start with making sure you have 2 Talrands, but also that you have more cards that works very well with instants and sorceries. "Guttersnipe" would make a great addition as you won't always end up with Talrand in hand.

Cards that I really like in this deck: Augur of Bolas, Essence Scatter, Negate, Rewind, Searing Spear, Unsummon, Talrand's Invocation, Divination, Fog Bank, Archeomancer, Sleep.
These cards should be 4 of IMO, some of them could be 2 of just because of the low number of times that they're actually usefull for you (like sleep!)

Cards that I don't like in this deck:
Elixir of Immortality (why would you want to remove cards from your yard? The life gain is not that great either. You have archeomancers for taking back cards)

Ring o Evos Isle (if you're burning down the enemies creatures and countering stuff with counterspells, why would you need more countersr on your creatures? I don't see how an army of dragons and/or a massive amount of damage from guttersnipe could go wrong)

Harbor Serpents (there are way better cards than this)

Kraken Hatchling (I really think Fog Bank is just better than this. You'll rarely use this for anything but blocking. Everyone has their own taste in defensive creatures I guess)

Mindclaw Shaman (it's completely ok, but it really belongs in the sideboard imo, because not everyone plays with that good instants and/or sorceries)

Scroll Thief (this one is also completely ok, I can see why you'd want to draw more cards, but there's a card called "Cold-Eyed Selkie" that nets you cards vs blue easier and can also net you more cards depending on how strong it is. It's not cheap though, I for one only bought 2 for my merfolk deck! Could be something for your "Ring of Evos Isle" to make it just a bit better though lol)

Stormtide Leviathan (It's ok, but it won't always help you and can sometimes just be something that sits in your hand for the entire game. I for one would switch it for something more useful)

Wall of Fire (it's a wall. It helps defend and it can actually kill things off. It's ok, but I personally just don't like it over Fog Bank)

Wind Drake (this card is nothing but "ok". It is not any stronger than one of the dragons that you get from "Talrand's Invocation" and that card just costs 1 more mana to cast! One more mana for one more of those drakes is definetly worth it!)

Omniscience (This is like stormtide Leviathan. Also, what are you going to spend your mana on IF you get it in play and IF you still have things to cast with it in play? I'd change it for a more useful card.)

Pursuit of flight (this card gives things more p/t and flying. It's an "ok" card, but doesn't work with that much stuff in your deck.)

Hydrosurge (imo, there's better ways to stop an attack, like "Azorius Charm" (that card is AMAZING btw, I'd suggest it for your deck!) it's another one of those "ok" cards.)

Smelt (everyone is not going to play with artifacts. This belongs in the sideboard)

Switcheroo (you are the one trading the dragon here, not them. This is "ok" but only as long as you're the one trading the turtle (this means that you're the one usually trading the better card and they are trading a worse card, as you've probably Essence Scattered all their good creatures into oblivion, or thrown a couple of spears at 'em.))

Turn to Slag (again, equipments is not something everyone plays with. It costs a lot of mana too and frankly, there's better burn spells than this.)

Lastly, I hope you don't think I'm trying to be rude here, I'm just letting you know what I think of the deck! I now realise that this is a wall of text to read, but you can decide yourself if it is worth to read it or not. If you reply with information on how you change the deck, be sure to know that I will reply to help you further!
Have a good day, sir! :)

Posted 19 May 2013 at 16:13 as a comment on My Main Deck


So... You win by Angels?

Posted 19 May 2013 at 15:38 as a comment on Fortress Deck


Yupyup. Though I think I know something that could ruin this deck for him anywawys...

Posted 19 May 2013 at 15:35 in reply to #354080 on Upkeep Paradox


This is genius

Posted 17 May 2013 at 16:18 as a comment on U UNHINGED


Haha :D merfolk for the win!

Posted 16 May 2013 at 07:39 in reply to #353010 on Whirlpool (Merfolk Mill)


Well, there's a first time for everything, eh? ;) The ones I play against with this deck hates it a lot because of all the hardhitting stuff and all the lords that buffs my army (a lord is someone that gives +1/+1 to whatever creature type that it is) Call to the Kindred is also very annoying as I can put it on one of my smaller merfolks like "Silvergill Adept" or "Stonybrook Banneret" to make them a threat to my enemy, either forcing them to remove them instead of a lord and stuff. Spreading seas is not usually played on turn 2 though. My friends all play with two colored decks, so I wait until turn 3 usually just to see whatever land they have the fewest of ;)

Posted 16 May 2013 at 07:39 in reply to #353011 on High Tide (Merfolk Aggro)


I completely forgot about the eldrazi, thank you!

Posted 15 May 2013 at 20:15 in reply to #352798 on Mayael the Anima EDH


(it also works great on undying creatures! If you really really want to, you could look at my own Simic deck to maybe get some inspiration. It is not completely done, though and I am considering removing one or two kinds of cards depending on which ones I don't like drawing in mid game. The decks name goes by "Number Six" and can be found on my profile! You could also just use this link)

Posted 15 May 2013 at 14:32 in reply to #352347 on Adaptive Survival


A card that I personally love is the "Ooze Flux". Basically, when you play it's ability, you can more often than not just remove a counter from each and every evolve card you control and put a giant slime into play that evolves them again. This works like a charm with cards like Renegade Krasis or Fathom Mage. If you play a small evolve card late game, you could also use Ooze Flux to evolve that card.

Posted 15 May 2013 at 14:29 in reply to #352347 on Adaptive Survival


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