
1 Deck, 2 Comments, 0 Reputation

I like this deck. It has the classic Boros weenies and burn, but strangely doesnt play totally like a straight up "Boros" deck. This deck seems to do a little better in the long game, as you have the bounce and eventually can bust out the huge 6/6 Dragon, who clears a clogged up field and allows your white monsters to overrun again.

Without an advanced mana base (You should consider maybe just buying one a month or something, those playsets will come soon), I wouldnt bother with more Black.

Posted 27 February 2007 at 02:32 as a comment on We put the Oros in Boros


Yeah this deck is nice. A good example of a well known archetype being taken and given a personal touch. Its not nice when this deck goes off Turn 2 and beats you! I know how that feels...

Posted 27 February 2007 at 02:27 as a comment on Gobbo Chaos
