
8 Decks, 270 Comments, 13 Reputation

Not exactly. The build as a whole is relatively resistant to counters, simply because of the traps. If they let my creatures resolve, they give me the mana acceleration. If they counter them, say a turn 2 or 3 Elvish Archdruid. They risk a Summoning Trap followup, which they're not likely to have the mana or ability to counter after the first one. Effectively, the player with the counter spells has a choice, and most often, they'll let the threat resolve, with the exception of the 3 Legendary Eldrazi they can counter, and maybe a Titan.

Posted 28 November 2010 at 16:00 in reply to #102030 on Elfdrazi Trap


Alright, Deck modified slightly to deal with the Goblin, Boros, White Weenie, and Elf decks in standard right now. Added 4 Battlements for the additional mana ramp, plus a 4 toughness to be a relevant blocker. Pushed the Vines to the sideboard, since I am not as worried about removal with 16 mana producers, and 4 guys that fetch the forests.

Posted 28 November 2010 at 05:56 as a comment on Elfdrazi Trap


Your build looks like it works fine. The only difference being that I am running standard, not extended, so I don't have access to the Pipers. Also, I found the pipers to be the biggest lightning rod of all, either that or a counter waiting to happen. I run the traps to make me far more stable against control. I've had games that involve a turn 2 Elvish Archdruid that gets mana leaked, I trap for 0, turn into either a Titan or any of my 5 Eldrazi. If that happens, the game is pretty much over before it began.

Posted 28 November 2010 at 05:51 in reply to #102029 on Elfdrazi Trap


Yeah, basically load up your sideboard with different creatures, depending on the deck you're against.

Posted 19 November 2010 at 03:52 as a comment on RG bloodthirst


That would take some time, lol. Something like Ichor Rats with proliferate. That still takes several turns to finish the job though.

Posted 19 November 2010 at 01:59 in reply to #100564 on Home Guard


I would stick with Lighting Bolt. It's better than Flame Slash, because you can point it at your opponents face if you need to. Flame Slash is a dead card if you're staring at a board with no creatures.

Another card you might consider, is Petrified Wood-Kin. It's a bit expensive at 7 mana, but if you get in any decent amount of damage, it comes out as a very large creature.

Posted 19 November 2010 at 01:53 in reply to #100755 on RG bloodthirst


I definitely agree with Awakening Zone. It can feel slow to some, but it helps to rebuild against a control deck that just used Day of Judgment or Consume the Meek.

Posted 18 November 2010 at 13:50 as a comment on Raid Bombardment Eldrazi Spawnsome!


Too many lands in my opinion. You've got 20 two drop creatures, and all of your spells are budget as well. You can probably get away with only twenty lands. I'd toss in Might of the Masses.

Posted 18 November 2010 at 03:18 as a comment on Power Bears


I'm not really a fan of Skittering Invasion as a whole. I have a deck fairly similar to this. Another possible win condition you might consider, is Beastmaster Ascension.

I don't know if you're going to swap out the Eldrazi Temples like the other dude said, but if you were going to swap out the invasions and the temples, you could add Ascensions 1:1, and 4 Raging Ravine's.

Posted 18 November 2010 at 02:53 as a comment on Raid Bombardment Eldrazi Spawnsome!


Yeah, if you get into any matchups where you know for fact it'll be a long-late game scenario, I think it'll be worth it in the long run.

Posted 17 November 2010 at 14:16 in reply to #99987 on Time Spiral


Murmering Bosk is a good card for this deck. I'll second that.

Posted 17 November 2010 at 14:03 in reply to #100300 on Kickass Trees!


If you can work some Cunning Wishes into the main deck, you can fetch up one of the packs from your side board once you've got your Hive Mind in play. That could give you another win condition in game 1.

Posted 17 November 2010 at 13:45 as a comment on You Shouldn't Do That


I admit a giant creature with protection from all colors can be devastating, lol. That much is undeniable. Just need to be aware of the few scenarios that could cause you problems, so you can plan around them. On that note, any wrath effect, including Day of Judgment and Consume the Meek can cause you problems if you over commit to the board.

Posted 17 November 2010 at 03:28 as a comment on Build up to Destruction


I'm curious as to why the Sunspear Shikari are there. You have only 1 piece of equipment. There are much better creatures to fill that spot, or even as was stated, Luminarch Ascensions.

Posted 17 November 2010 at 03:10 as a comment on White Removal


You might consider adding in an Eldrazi Monument or 2, to fix that whole weakness to Wrath of God, Consume the Meek, and whatnot.

Posted 17 November 2010 at 02:47 as a comment on Ramping Elves


I agree with both of the above. Drop the pacts to 1 a piece, and add in some creatures. Even Sea Gate Oracle, Augury Owl, or anything of the sort can be useful. It lets you paw through the top of your deck to find what you need, and soak up some damage from the creatures that will be beating you in the face. also, if you put at least 1 of each of the pacts in your sideboard, you could add cunning wish, to fetch them 1 from there, cast it, and win like you built your deck to do.

Posted 17 November 2010 at 02:38 as a comment on Hive Mind deck


Dispense Justice used against you when that one creature attacks undoes quite a bit. Also, any sort of wrath effect can wreck you. If you do want to plan around a single creature swinging for the kill, I might recommend Whispersilk Cloak, to ensure that your creature of choice is unblockable. Even Etched Champion can be blocked by other colorless creatures. A resolved Awakening Zone that has spit out at least one token already can block a single creature all day long.

Posted 17 November 2010 at 02:28 as a comment on Build up to Destruction


I don't know if you're friends run anything of the sort, but even a single legendary eldrazi in the opponents deck, and your entire strategy is for naught.

Posted 17 November 2010 at 02:25 as a comment on You Shouldn't Do That


I know they're not treefolk, but I might recommend some sort of mana creature, such as Bird of Paradise or Noble Heirarch. Without them, you'll be fairly hard pressed to play your Doragn on turn 3. In fact, with a bird and either a plains or a swamp to go with your forest, you could put out a turn 2 Dora.

Posted 17 November 2010 at 02:21 as a comment on Kickass Trees!


I think Obelisk of Grixis seems a bit too expensive for it's use in a deck like this. 3 mana to get 1 is pretty loose. Crumbling Necropolis is something any deck like this should run 4 of. If you don't mind your lands coming into play tapped, possibly Creeping Tar Pits, or Lavaclaw Reaches. If you don't want the lands to come into play tapped, you could go with Drowned Catacomb, or Dragonskull Summit. Any of these options can easily replace the Panoramas, and the Terramorphic Expanses.

None of what I just said though, pertains to the real problem you're likely to have. With the exception of your 6 myrs, you have no other creatures, and absolutely no creature removal. You're looking to cast and recur a 7 mana sorcery, and I find it hard to imagine you lasting that long against any sort of fast agro deck.

Posted 17 November 2010 at 02:11 as a comment on Cruel Ultimatum Make Them Suffer!


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