
37 Decks, 281 Comments, 110 Reputation

I like creature focused deck but you don't have enough card drawing to keep pushing your creatures. I made a similar mistake in my first simic deck. It was a great deck for the first four turns then it seemed to hit land clumps and I could't keep dropping threats every turn. Also late game experiment ones and Raptors where often were topdecked thus leaving me screwed. My deck "Wild Dryad" is the end result of those decks. Its a really fast deck and wins by turn four half the time... check it out. Though I was playing a really fun version of biovisionary/infinite refections which was also cool but not competitve at all. My last comment is this: I really enjoy the theme of this deck and would recommend Master Biomancer and Mass Bioshift because they are some of the more suprising cards of the set that can swing a game in a matter of two turns. Goodluck

Posted 10 April 2013 at 21:57 as a comment on UG


Lol, great deck! I always loved master transmuter, though I'm more of a tinker kind of man. I'm curious about how conistant the deck can be with twenty lands and no instant card drawing. The best versions of broken Academy win three matches in a row by turn three..even after a mulligan because of card drawing (and broken enchantments). Regardless, I enjoy your deck!!

Posted 10 April 2013 at 21:29 as a comment on ARTIFACT FUN


Its hilariously fast and consistant even with a mulligan. If your son puts it together you'll have to start reconsidering playing a mono white protection deck;0

Posted 10 April 2013 at 21:21 in reply to #339880 on Goblins4Life


My advice, add 168 cards and run four copies of Battle of Wits.

Posted 10 April 2013 at 21:13 as a comment on Unblockable Ciphers (Dimir)


NICE! i just posted a rebels deck, lol I was totally going to do a version of blue/white counter knight but was amazed that rebels were sooo cheap now. War falcone and Azorius charm are great cards for their value. Thanks for the deck challenge! Goodluck

Posted 10 April 2013 at 21:03 as a comment on Budget Decks: Knight


What a nice post. I had no idea about the paupers format (though i'd seen post for those themed decks) and its a great idea. I'm not sure how to critique a deck like this except to say... creature enchantments are awesome and inexpensive. My favorit is sinister strength or madcap skills. I make a weekly "budget" deck but mine is for under $100 becasue most people playing standard are willing to invest about $100 on a deck (getting stuff slowly over time). I'm going to try and make a twenty buck deck today... I might go blue/white counter/knight

Posted 10 April 2013 at 19:12 as a comment on Budget Decks: Devil


Thanks for the comment. I like your build except for the spark troopers which I find kinda expensive and unpredictable. However I really like the four devils. I run four in my "War is He'll" deck, which is my favorite deck right now. I'm also a big fan of silver blade pal but don't own any:( I'm kinda confused with your sideboard.... Is it for a mirror match? Also why just one pilgrim? It's a huge combo and combined with other typical side board cards like "elixir or immortality" can make you nearly impossible to kill in a standard tourney. Also twenty lands is pretty low and could keep you from making your fourth and critical land drop. Thanks and good luck

Posted 10 April 2013 at 04:26 as a comment on Boros Burn


lol, where's the siege tower?? Isn't that what you named your deck after? Doran, seige tower? This deck is kinda random...whats the restoration angle doing in there? None of your creatures have a come into play affect. I'd rename this deck "made you look:)" Actually, its pretty solid... no hard feelings. Goodluck

Posted 09 April 2013 at 16:27 as a comment on Doran Doran


This deck is way too slow for legacy. You should/could try for a standard deck. You should also think about more board control because your deck isn't running any mass creature wipe nor counterspells. Finally, your mana is really weird and should be cut down to 24 lands and 36 spells... but i'm guessing you know that. I love simic! Feel free to check out my decks that are centered around Quirion Dryad and simic. I like the biomass mutations, its totally underrated in any format. Goodluck.

Posted 09 April 2013 at 14:26 as a comment on evolve


Simic charm is way better than unsummon. You need to protect your dryad and the simic works like a charm. Check out my dryad decks !

Posted 09 April 2013 at 04:45 as a comment on Quirion Clarity


Your running four copies of Frontline medic, Legion Loyalist, and Sunhome. I would argue that each of these could be limited to two cards thus freeing six spots. With these six spots I would add the following: 2 copies of Hellrider (combined with Assemble the Legion its a sure fire killer) and 4 copies of the three casting cost angle with haste and flying. I find that haste creatures are important to the deck, because they help get to battalion quickly. However, the Legion Loyalist is kinda weak and I'd rather see a more substantial attacker. I'd also drop the Martial Glory and go with some madcap skills. I have won soo many games with that silly enchantment. If i were you I'd drop two of the Halberdiers and maindeck two of the vexing. As for the Reckoner... get him in your maindeck. When people see him, they get upset and try to kill destroy it immediately. He's a great 'red herring'. Goodluck:)

Posted 09 April 2013 at 00:48 as a comment on Battalion/ Massive war


I'd drop the three annilhating fires and go with skullcrack because the format is heavy with come into play life gain and lifelink. Also it would stop a Boros Reckoner from going infinite on your butt. Personally, I'd drop a madcap and go with four maindeck. Also, I know its expensive but Bonfire of the Damned would be a great addition to this deck.

Posted 09 April 2013 at 00:32 as a comment on RDW


You need to focus on a single strategy for killing your opponet. The control aspect is good and the cards you've chosen are good quality. However, I'd drop the mill cards for creatures that could help you control the board better. A good mill deck should be able to deck an opponet by turn six... at least 50% of the time. You don't have the resources to do this and make use of damage your four shrieking afflictions are causing (best case senario). If your using damage to kill, then think about megrim or other discard creatures that can ensure your opponet doesn't draw out of the range of the enchantment. If you thinking about going with decking an opponet you should consider using traumatize or glimpse of the unthinkable. Goodluck!!

Posted 09 April 2013 at 00:25 as a comment on Modern BU Control


I'm adding Flails to my dark dryad deck. I'd think about going bug!! Wild defiance is sick in this deck:) thanks for the inspiration.

Posted 08 April 2013 at 02:47 as a comment on Can't block this (help)


I see your coming along. I totally agree with your switch to smite but looking at your deck, there are 12 to 16 anti creature cards, five of which are mass removal. That's alot. Alternatively, there are no real protections for your creatures and no ways of bringing them back from the graveyard. Because your deck relies on Guildmage to really inflict massive damage, perhaps your sideboard should be able to protect him? But then what do you loose in your sideboard? I'm not a big fan of Essence Harvest in this deck because you only have one big creature. I would suggest dropping all four and then going for either 1) elixir of immortality (it would shuffle your creatures back into your library and give you a quick life boost) or 2) a white instant like "safe passage" or "shielded passage". Shielded passage is also good for stopping the Boros Reckoner, infinite life combo. Goodluck with your building!! I'm enjoying seeing your progress.

Posted 07 April 2013 at 18:19 as a comment on Merciless Orzhov v.3


I don't think this deck could control most agro decks because your not drawing enough cards and do not play with mass affect spells. The Seers' ability will not trigger until turn five because you have no mana acceleration. By that time, Boros and Gruul have pushed you to use all of your hand (all of your spells are single target) and have most likely put you into a position where you don't want to cast a second duskmantle because of the possiblity it will kill you. More alarming is that Duskmantle is a welcomed sight to most agro decks because they run cheaper cards and many are using lifegain maindeck. Alternatively, the metagame against BUG, RUG, and BANT isn't looking too good because all those decks run counter spells, bounce, and mass wipe. Long story short, you should think about using mass removal cards and or card drawing. I would drop the winds also (because your deck isn't agro). Goodluck, I love the concept and believe this deck could be viable in a standard agro environment if you make a few changes.

Posted 05 April 2013 at 17:07 as a comment on Seered to Death


lol, I just added the card when I saw this post. Nice call. Timesprirral will take care of the shuffling.

Posted 05 April 2013 at 16:17 in reply to #332810 on Dream of the infinite


lol, apparently you've never met "big debbie" on the strip.

Posted 04 April 2013 at 15:57 as a comment on Best 20$ u'll ever spend...


this deck is kinda nutty squirrellord... why use the Ring or abundant growths when you don't have black creatures to cast? You would do much better with wild growth for mana acceleration. The gyre sages are nice but you'll be waiting till turn four to evolve him unless you waste a hydra. Staff of Nin is nice if your playing with mana acceleration, but as pointed out... your not running enough acceleration. Find some walls or something... Goodluck.

Posted 04 April 2013 at 14:51 as a comment on Hydra Hijinks


Mad props to Tralese for the Wild Defiance addition. Good luck!

Posted 04 April 2013 at 04:18 as a comment on Wild Dryad


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