Magic Hat

5 Decks, 10 Comments, 3 Reputation

Hi! Below is the mono green/elf/token deck I've been working on with the help of a couple others here. The comments below it are just as helpful as the deck itself I think. It's meant to build up mana very quickly, get out an overwhelming number of elves and corresponding tokens, then trample the other player into the dirt :)

Posted 06 January 2013 at 23:11 in reply to #314555 on Lots of Elves


Ricardo: Thank you for those answers! I'm glad we both like that Umbral Mantle...I think it'll get the job done. I'm thinking I might take out another forest or two in exchange for making one of my x3 cards into a nice and neat x4; maybe a couple of my sideboard cards could make it into the deck as well. I really appreciate the help. This deck has evolved from something playable, to something my friends will have a hard time dealing with!
I might check out octgn, but haven't yet.

Posted 06 January 2013 at 23:04 in reply to #314306 on Elf Mayhem


***More Changes!***

+ [Priest of Titania]x4
+ [Genesis Wave]x3

- [Wren's Run Vanquisher]x4
- [Druid's Deliverance]x3

Things are shaping up nicely! I'm nearly out of ideas personally, so I'll probably be ordering the cards I don't have in the near future.

Posted 06 January 2013 at 22:55 as a comment on Elf Mayhem


Hey Ricardo,
I really appreciate your input! This'll be quick, and with no definite changes, as I'm tired.

1. I added Titania and Genesis to my sideboard. They will likely go up to the deck in place of...Deliverance, Umbral, Wren's Run, or even Harbinger. Genesis seems like an amazing card if enough mana are available when it's played! If I added Genesis, should I think about removing Deliverance since it's not a permanent (reduces my chance of Genesis being useful)?
2. Druid's Deliverance: does this protect creatures as well, or just my personal health pool?
3. Titania/Archdruid give mana for each elf. Does this include elf tokens? (I'd assume so, but asking doesn't hurt.)
4. Umbral has potential for infinite mana and infinite +2/2 if put on Titania/Archdruid when you have a few elves out doesn't it? If it's capable of infinite mana and +2/2s; wouldn't it be devastating with an added with one of my six trample effect cards? Wouldn't it also allow crazy Genesis usage?

Posted 06 January 2013 at 06:33 in reply to #314306 on Elf Mayhem


***Most Recent Changes***

+ [Overrun]x1
+ [Umbral Mantle]x3
+ [Llanowar Elves]x4

- [Copperhorn Scout]x4
- [Gilt-Leaf Ambush]x2
- [Forest]x2

Posted 05 January 2013 at 23:43 as a comment on Elf Mayhem


Do you, or does anyone, have a suggestion for a 1 or 2 mana cost spell/creature/etc. to gain mana at the beginning?

I'm aware of [Arbor Elf] (untap 1 forest) and [Llanowar Elves] (add 1 mana)...which is better for my deck?
Any other cards? --I'd lean towards Arbor, but advice?

I am mainly playing with a handful of people I know; I doubt I'll run into many decks moving too fast to make up for a round or two of their attacks, but it's nice to have options!

Posted 04 January 2013 at 21:33 in reply to #314022 on Elf Mayhem


Oh geeze; I don't think I've seen [parallel lives] before! Those are definitely going in.

I was thinking about having 4 [overruns], but I have [Ezuri]x2 in there with an overrun ability of his own. I see the value of having a different card type for [overrun] though. Maybe [parallel lives]x3 and [overrun]x3 for an even split? [Parallel Lives] does stack with itself doesn't it?

--Giant Growth x4 to sideboard
--Overrun x1 to deck
--Parallel Lives x3 to deck

Posted 04 January 2013 at 17:25 in reply to #313898 on Elf Mayhem


The game is pretty much yours once you get everything out with any deck right? Honestly I'm not 100% sure how artifact creatures work. Are they capable of blocking and being blocked?

With all those draws, are you depending on your [Spellbook]x1 to be able to keep cards long enough to play? All those draw card spells cost mana to play and have limited immediate benefit...they are going to take time to get rolling and be useful.

I'd love to see someone with more experience than me, and less bias than you, comment.

Posted 03 January 2013 at 23:57 in reply to #313799 on Infinite Mana


With that many different cards it doesn't seem like you'd have a lot of control over your actions. I'm a noob; maybe that's why I don't see a clear strategy to finish the game before your opponent has a strong play going.

Posted 03 January 2013 at 23:21 as a comment on Infinite Mana
