
3 Decks, 5 Comments, 0 Reputation

mmm...maybe, definitely considering it sideboard material, thanks!

Posted 01 February 2013 at 01:24 as a comment on Destructive Dragons


Fairly impressive deck, esp. for a standard. The only problem I can see with it that to spawn most of your zombies you need to do damage to a player, and most of the zombies in this deck do not have a good amount of hitting power. I would suggest that instead of Diregraf Ghoul, you have Diregraf Captain instead? It gives your zombies a bit more hitting/staying power and when you lose a zombie your opponent loses a life. This would also give you more time to achieve a mill. Other than that good work.

Hope this helps, McLovin94

Posted 31 January 2013 at 00:23 as a comment on Dimir mill T2


This deck is modern format, that being said, if you were to remove the archive traps and traumatizes and replace them with something from the Innistrad block onwards it would be of standard format.

Posted 31 January 2013 at 00:13 as a comment on Crushing Mill


I had, but it contains two weaknesses that I'm not too pleased with. Firstly it requires me to burn a land to do so as well as give an opponent a choice of land (even though they lose one also, how often have you been in a position where you have slightly too much of one colour, yet not enough of the other). Secondly any seasoned player who knows (or even suspects) that they are going up against a mill deck will probably not take the bait, as archive trap is one of the most popular blue mill cards, leading us back to the first problem where I've burned a land for an opponents land (which in a blue deck a 1/1 is not a good trade).

Was a good suggestion though, those were just the reasons I hadn't done it. I'm sure there are others who will disagree with me though and will want to try it!

Posted 30 January 2013 at 12:37 as a comment on Crushing Mill
