
35 Decks, 12 Comments, 2 Reputation

Awwww, I remember playing against this on Skype. :3

Posted 10 August 2016 at 21:39 as a comment on Thromok EDH


I've got a couple suggestions this deck.

- The Disciple of Bolas doesn't fit very well, as it's your 4-drop, and the only creatures below it are Blood Artist, who has 0 power, and Nighthawk, who you do not want to sacrifice; holding it in your hand to cast it on your bombs isn't a great idea either... so unless you're planning to throw in some cheap undying guys, the Disciple will probably have to go.
- The deck is fairly top-heavy at the moment. Having 2 Grislebrands is pushing it even with Liliana helping you ramp up. Not to mention, you have six spells at 6 mana. This should be trimmed down a bunch.
- Mutilate > Killing Wave. Mutilate is your answer to their threats, and it gets around regeneration, and indestructible guys. It's better than Killing Wave for sure, which allows your opponent to choose what to keep (usually the one that will win them the game). Considering you're mono-black, you should be running 4 Mutilates. Especially since you don't have that many creatures down before turn 4-5.
- This deck has the very late game in mind. Not only are you wanting to ramp up to Grislebrand, but you also want to use Lily's ult and then finish with Exsnaguinate... to achieve this, you'll need more than just removal. I'd recommend a discard package featuring Duress, Despise, and Surgical Extraction. Your sideboard should also have Memoricide for combo decks.
- You probably don't need Murder if you have the aforementioned discard/disruption, and if you run more Mutilate/Geth's Verdict.

Posted 31 August 2012 at 20:33 as a comment on mbc needs help


-4 Wee Dragonauts
-2 Faithless Looting

+4 Kiln Fiend
+2 Ponder


Posted 24 August 2012 at 07:40 as a comment on Burning Inquiry (U/R)


Lol, knew I was forgetting something!

Posted 03 June 2012 at 22:28 in reply to #261125 on Fish


As for the wasteland, ideally you'd get all the original dual lands the deck wants, and run the full 4. You could also run a Cavern of Souls or two, and set it to Wizard to make sure your Clique/Snapcaster/Confidant resolves.

Posted 03 June 2012 at 22:26 as a comment on Grixis Legacy Deck


Dark Confidant maybe, though make sure you set up your draws with Brainstorm so he doesn't kill you.
Ghostly Flicked is not good enough, no... There aren't enough good targets for him, and cards in Legacy should be good on their own, not require you to already have other stuff in play.

Posted 03 June 2012 at 22:24 as a comment on Grixis Legacy Deck


This deck looks like lots of fun! I'm excited to try playing against it. A few things I'd suggest though:

1) Definitely change the Tidehollow Strix to Baleful Strix.
2) The deck seems a bit top heavy considering how quick most legacy decks are. Something to keep in mind.
3) I'm not sure the Unearth on Sedraxis makes him worth running over Hypnotic...
4) You'll want to switch those Foils for a few Force Of Will once you get the money. Also, Wastelands. Also, Clique.

Posted 01 June 2012 at 21:11 as a comment on Grixis Legacy Deck


Oh Livewire Lash, you so awesome.

Posted 06 February 2012 at 01:02 as a comment on I think I have an infection.


Great deck name, hahaha. Deck looks fun too.

Posted 30 December 2011 at 01:49 as a comment on RatHomoSexuality


Looking good! Watch out that Timely doesn't become dead with all the token makers. ;)

Posted 04 December 2011 at 21:39 as a comment on Venser's Virtue 2.0


Oh yeah. Best colours. I had to. Still need the Lilianas though...

Posted 18 October 2011 at 20:55 in reply to #207870 on Superfriends 3.0 (Esper)


I'd rather keep little creatures that require a future mana investment out of this... Turn 1 I want to play a Shelldock, turn 2 a Howling Mine or Kami, and turn 3 Jace or Sanity Grinding... There's no room for that little guy.

Posted 25 July 2011 at 18:34 in reply to #177473 on Turbogrind / Milligan's Island
