
2 Decks, 6 Comments, 1 Reputation

Okay :) I'm playing a Standard tournament today at my local store (Dragon's Lair) here in Stockholm as a Playing Judge. It will be very interesting and a lot of fun to see how the changes in my deck since last time will play out :)

Posted 05 April 2014 at 04:15 in reply to #449513 on Walker Control


I see :)

I went 1-4 yesterday at the tournament with my 5 Colour Control and it was a lot of fun and very educational. Got very good feedback and the games showed me what to cut outright and so I will modify the list a bit and try other cards :)

Posted 23 March 2014 at 18:41 in reply to #449513 on Walker Control


I see :)

Interestingly enough I'm known as a Mono Red Aggro Player at the store where I play simply because I've been playing that archetype a lot in competitive tournaments for two years now. It's only very recently I'm trying the other end of the spectrum with 5 Colour Control.

Bluffing a spell by keeping something like a land on your hand is certainly one of the solid ways of pulling a mind game on your opponent :)

If Duress is not effective in your social circle then I understand that you're opting not to run them. Do you play in tournaments at a store? If so, what is the meta game there at the moment?

Posted 22 March 2014 at 07:34 in reply to #449513 on Walker Control


This deck is so cool! :)

I like the one-off Debt in the main deck 1) because no one will see it coming 2) it's a great spell to sink your mana into and 3) it is a finisher with a dramatic life swing effect. In my mind I would not have an extra Debt in the sideboard simply because one usually is enough.

Have you chosen not to play Thoughtseize or is it a card availability issue? If so then Duress would be a fine placeholder if you can make room for it. Perhaps skip the 4 Pilfered Plans and go with some hand disruption?

How are you faring in the Control mirror game 1? The reason I'm asking is you have quite few counter spells main deck.

What I noticed yesterday at my local store was that I was outgunned by my opponent's counter magic simply because my opponent had more of it than I (had 4 main deck at the time - now it's 10 main deck)

Perhaps cut a rift and a Baron for two additional Psychic Strike?

I really like Selesnya Charm in the sideboard. It functions as very effective removal in the current meta game and also trades early against aggro and against Control you can just make a Knight and hit your opponent for two every turn.

I will be very interesting to see how this deck evolves if you decide to make it a long-term project (I know my 5 Colour Control in Standard certainly is ^^) and I wish you the best of luck with it!

Posted 22 March 2014 at 06:16 as a comment on Walker Control
