
46 Decks, 8 Comments, 0 Reputation

I will be reading all this. Just not at this moment... Got about 1/2 way. I'll send you a link to the "Ideal State" deck (as in what I would do if $$ was not an issue) for more thoughts :)

Posted 26 August 2013 at 22:19 in reply to #390796 on EDH - Ghave, Guru of Spores


Also I need to add Vigor... but I don't have two and he is in my other deck.

Posted 22 August 2013 at 20:18 in reply to #390796 on EDH - Ghave, Guru of Spores


I like the critique... makes me consider ways to make the deck better, and having to justify why I use certain cards causes me to re-evaluate and decide if they still fit... so thank you.

The "sac toolbox" was more of a ETB / DIES affect... since I'll be killing and creating a lot of creatures... hopefully... I understand that I won't go infinity all that often, and even when I do that this addition to the infinity is pointless.

More than anything, the point was to get the generation of smaller numbers of creatures to be more impacting, since the small creatures don't often help that much until you can overwhelm. I'll have to consider if that is worth the card space it takes up in the deck, and if I drew one of those cards would that be a waste of space, or something I would be happy to see. Part of my thought was a deck that has the ability to go infinite may not get that much attention until it's too late and the sac engine would produce a lot of hate my direction so it is somewhat opposite of my original intent.

Soul Foundry was for creatures with stack able affects like Sigil Captain, Captain of the Watch, etc. but could also be used on Terastodon depending on how late-game it was... I could destroy 3 land per turn and with 3 color commanders that can take out an entire color from some players - but he would be even sweeter with mimic vat....... Simply put - Soul Foundry's not that great but I have never gotten the chance to see it's true affect, so I thought I would try it. It may come out before too long.

Ascension... I assume you mean Beastmaster Ascension? That card would fit nice. I'll have to get it! :)

Not sure what you meant here: "so on that note all creatures except...yavimaya elder pupteer clique eternal witness acidic slime mikaeus seems bonkers."

A note on the creatures: Solarion and Vulturous Zombie are just creatures I had that produce +1/+1 counters to give Ghave some source of usability. As you mentioned if the token generation gets shut down this deck would be dead in the water. I would replace them in a heartbeat if I owned better creatures, so go ahead and mention which creatures you would KEEP / REMOVE and maybe why / who to replace them with.

One I am going to pull from my other deck is Kitchen Finks (anytime he dies just add a +1/+1 to re-use the persist)

Posted 22 August 2013 at 20:03 in reply to #390796 on EDH - Ghave, Guru of Spores


I play with a casual group. We don't play competitive but we have fun. I own all the cards in the Main Deck, and have it in a box behind me.

It is a deck building challenge for me... since I can't afford the lands to make a $1000 + deck (and would not spend that on MTG if I had the $$) so I am trying to use cards I enjoy and see what I can do in order to make this deck faster / more powerful / more fun to play without spending hundreds.

I am starting to think the token generating decks aren't much fun for others, since they may be sitting there watching you "do the math" for your counters and tokens... but we'll see.

Thanks again.

Posted 22 August 2013 at 17:40 in reply to #390796 on EDH - Ghave, Guru of Spores


For some reason, I had not thought about Mana Reflections... Thanks!

I will include Doubling Season as soon as I find it at a decent price. Added Parallel lives since I recently got one.
Thank you for the suggestions... although I am not sure what you meant when you said fantasy deck. The cards in my "sideboard" are cards I have considered using in the deck, but some of them are cards I want to put in and don't own them (like doubling season)

Posted 22 August 2013 at 17:21 in reply to #390796 on EDH - Ghave, Guru of Spores


I would suggest considering Rancor. 1 point less damage than the Giant Growth but you can keep it for multiple swings.

The other suggestion would be to swing hard on turn 2.
Perhaps with a one-drop like Delver of Secrets, Blistercoil Weird, or Experiment One

*Turn 1*
Delver of Secrets

*Turn 2*
Reveal Instand or Sorcery, Flip Delver
Forest, Abundant Growth. Rancor on flipped Delver. Unsummon something.
Delver is a 5/2 Flying Trample creature at this point. Swing for 5 on turn two.

*Turn 3*
Giant Growth, Giant Growth, Titanic Growth.
Delver is a 15/13 Flying Trample creature at this point. Swing for 15 (Win the game turn three if they can't block your flier)

No, you won't get this hand all the time.
It's just a suggestion to build with cards that get the damage in faster.
Even if you don't get in that kill on turn three, Rancor should give you a little card back advantage if someone doom-blade's your guy.
If not Delver, maybe something like Gladecover Scout with Hexproof to prevent removal or something with Evolve so that it grows as you play other creatures.
A 3/3 Experiment One (because it evolved) with your artifacts would do 12 damage... 20 if you used Rancor.

Here is a deck (not standard legal) with multiple turn 4 kill combos.

I like your deck!

Posted 19 August 2013 at 20:50 as a comment on Dude, I swear I saw something!


Ok... so I know it isn't actually weenie's... and it isn't truly a beat down deck because I added the removal...
...but at least it will keep the game short and can handle bigger creatures as well.

Posted 13 August 2013 at 02:39 as a comment on Mono-White Beatdown


Played this in a 4 player "goo commander" format. Basically ended up 3 players against me and I almost had them!!! :) Redirected a "target player loses 1/2 their life" spell and was bouncing Ixidron to control creatures on the board.

Posted 23 July 2013 at 22:41 as a comment on EDH - Merieke Ri Berit
