
5 Decks, 5 Comments, 2 Reputation

i didnt knew that card , is awesome , so many thanks , discards decks have 2 dissadventages : very fast aggro decks , and card -drawers and that dude neutralizes the card drowers ,im adding it to sideboard many thanks!!

anothe original pick that i dindt consider beacause is rare to find and expensive is the balefoul strix ,he draws a card when enters play , and has deathtouch for the longbow

Posted 11 May 2014 at 03:22 in reply to #463155 on Discard/Control UB


you suggestions are welcome! im only explaining the logic behind my choices , the idea is a discard deck , and make advantage of returning creatures to my hand , the rats you mentioned are good , go for the throar is in the sideboard in the case the combo dont work

i saw your deck , seems the type of decks that i like , fun and card drawning , but i dont have mucho to say about it , cause i dindt played with the evolove mechanics . i know that coatl + card drowers is a very effective thing

Posted 11 May 2014 at 03:13 in reply to #463155 on Discard/Control UB


the viridian longbow is mostly there for vampire nightwawk i will edit the play section .

nighwaks deathtouch make 1 damage enough to kill mostly everything

and with both spectres , they can damage even if the player can block , triggering their abilityes .

also it can be tutored with trinklet mage

Posted 11 May 2014 at 03:04 in reply to #463155 on Discard/Control UB


one black mana drop could very very usefeull in this mana curve , i havent tested the drainpies but they look good .

the good thing of the doomsday spectre is that he can back trigger trinket mage , ravenous rats and cloud of fairies , thats the reason he is in the deck a very good bet is the cavern harpy in the main instead of doomsday spectre

Posted 11 May 2014 at 02:52 in reply to #463155 on Discard/Control UB


Thanks for the comment! i use ravenous instead drainpies because doomsday spectre , with him i can return ravenpus to my hand and play them again .Drainpipes are good but i cant activate its ability more than once , and the ravenous can trigger twice or more.

its a casual deck , but has potential and its fun

Posted 11 May 2014 at 02:46 in reply to #463155 on Discard/Control UB
