
4 Decks, 3 Comments, 0 Reputation

Much appreciated, though generally it wasn't them attempting to be gentlemen that caused the problem. Then again I was only one of two teenage girls who played at that particular comic/card shop and the teenage guys were .... well, teenage guys. :)

I'm not sure how many cards I'll be able to get from people I know, but fortunately it appears there are many out there on Ebay. Wasn't quite as easy to build decks without buying boosters back then... ;) Thanks again!, Took two of your suggestions while still retaining this as a green/white. I'll probably try out a mono white life build here next. :)

Posted 23 January 2011 at 04:53 in reply to #118924 on Sweetness and Life Lite


I can see a lot has... my particular style is likely outdated. I wish I still had the deck I usually played back then -- Stream of Life, Elvish Farmer, a few other cards that generated saproling tokens to feed to the Farmer or sacrifice as blockers... yeah, at that time green really was the favorite for life gain, and White was mainly there for support and Serra Angel. That deck was the declared winner in almost every multiplayer free-for-all unless there was a calculated decision to take me out first. And given that I'm a chick, I always took it as a compliment when that decision was made.... meant they were taking me seriously as a player and not just staring at my ... um, assets.

One question, though -- are color-specifics still pretty much considered dirty pool? Part of the reason I never played mono decks, particularly mono white, is that our house rules were that Circles of Protection were a bit... well, .lame. But many creatures had protection against a specific color. White/Green generally was enough to get through any of those decks. So I always went dual color and left out all color specifics.... they only came out if someone else broke the house rules. :)

It has been fun exploring to get back into this game. Too bad I work weekends now and most card shops do their events on weekends... I particularly enjoyed sealed deck tournaments.

Posted 22 January 2011 at 19:19 in reply to #118705 on Sweetness and Life Lite


Thank you very much for your feedback. I used to play waaaaaay back in the day, like Fallen Empires time. Hadn't touched the cards for over a decade until a few days ago when some friends were playing and I built a deck out of his cards.... and given how badly out of practice I am, I was happy that I was never the first person out during the three-way free for all (went four games until one of them won twice -- they ganged up on me after I won the first time. Good times!) Then I found this site.

I'll check those out -- they might be a good replacement for the Scute Mob. My usual strategy in White/Green is to get out small creatures early for blockers to keep myself alive through the 5th turn. After that I'm generally going to have enough life or powerful enough creatures to survive. Saw those were 1 casting cost, balanced the deck so there was about the same amount of white as of green, and had a potential to be powerful later on... :)

Thank you again for your suggestions. I am not at all familiar with the cards that are played nowadays.

Posted 22 January 2011 at 10:05 in reply to #118705 on Sweetness and Life Lite
