
3 Decks, 65 Comments, 11 Reputation

Oh, my bad, you're correct! I was thinking it makes you pay the cost again, but I believe you're right. Got ahead of myself. In that case, that works very well! Haha

Posted 12 May 2013 at 08:46 in reply to #351340 on Izzet what you thought it was?


That's one way to win with Laboratory Maniac, haha!

I would be interested in seeing a deck like this, but with an alternative win, I love the "Everyone Mills" with Hive Mind shenanigans, but I don't like Mill... Up to the challenge? ;)

Posted 12 May 2013 at 08:45 as a comment on Absolutely Everybody Yeah~!


Thanks! I have worked very hard on it, and it wins surprisingly often when I play it! :)

Posted 12 May 2013 at 08:38 in reply to #351336 on Strength of the Springjack


Very nice! How did you deal with control decks wiping your board every other turn?

Posted 12 May 2013 at 08:36 as a comment on RW Deck (4 rares)


Not only that, you have the chance to tap for a green and play Gruul charm for 1 (practically), ensuring that they can't block at all (unless they have flyers)!

Posted 12 May 2013 at 08:34 in reply to #351318 on -Girl Power- Lovisa's Gruul


I don't think Nivmagus Elemental works with the Bracers. See what would happen is you would copy his ability, the newest one on the stack would resolve and you would exile your spell, and then the second would fizzle because you have no legal target. Other than that...

I love the idea, I'm just concerned if I played it I wouldn't have enough mana. There isn't much to do with mana fixing in U/R unless you bring in some artifacts... Even with Goblin Electromancer if you're looking to copy something with Nivix Guildmage you still need 4 extra mana, not including the cost of the spell. Seems like you'd get beat in the face before that happened. I would suggest removing the Guildmage and maybe putting in some artifact ramp, or maybe more instants!

Also remember if you have to you can equip Bracers to Stuffy Doll to deal 2 damage instead of one. Kind of a last ditch effort I guess.

Posted 12 May 2013 at 08:32 as a comment on Izzet what you thought it was?


Well, I'd like to keep the deck Mono-White because it helps with the Chroma effect of Springjack Shepherd, but Intangible Virtue isn't a bad idea! The only reason I run Glorious Anthem anyhow is because it give +1/+1 to all my creatures and it has 2 white mana symbols. I've also considered Honor of the Pure for the same reason, but 1 more white mana symbol can actually help a lot.

Posted 12 May 2013 at 08:22 in reply to #351336 on Strength of the Springjack



Posted 12 May 2013 at 08:09 in reply to #351318 on -Girl Power- Lovisa's Gruul


A second Champion of Lambholt was a good choice. :)

Posted 12 May 2013 at 08:05 in reply to #351318 on -Girl Power- Lovisa's Gruul


I have a similar deck! I just created this account, so I'm new to the site, but I promise I didn't steal anything from your deck (except Codex Shredder, what a great idea!). ;) Take a look and comment maybe? Or not...

I chose to go a different route. The new Izzet Champion, Melek, is pretty sweet in conjunction with clashing. Plus, if you're gonna have your top card revealed anyway, why not have something to do with it, right? Other than adding him, I replaced Release the Ants with Lash Out. Sure, they're a 1 time thing, but I don't have the mana or time to repeat Release the Ants. With Melek, if it's played from the top, I can even kill something larger and more threatening! Instead of Chromatic Sphere, try maybe putting a playset of Evolving Wilds or Terramorphic Expanse in? Not only does it thin your deck of those pesky clash-hating lands, it also guarantees you can pick the land you're missing! Spring Cleaning is good if your playgroup loves enchantments, but for me I chose to forgo it.

One more card I included but isn't necessarily Clash... Cerebral Eruption. Say you don't have a Shredder out and they have something that is going to prevent you from a victorious Clash. While you can't get rid of it, you can make sure that any creature they have on the field (with toughness less than the top card's CMC) is toast, as well as dealing a nice bit of damage to the face!

Posted 12 May 2013 at 08:02 as a comment on Clash of Insight


I liked this almost entirely for the flavor, and then I took a look at it.

Wow, this is *awesome*. One question: Why Ash Zealot? Is it because you are intending to play this as a Modern deck?

Posted 12 May 2013 at 07:25 as a comment on -Girl Power- Lovisa's Gruul


Rancor is an uncommon! D:
Also: Why use Shield of the Oversoul? I get that indestructible is really nice, but it only helps one of your target creature base... You'd be better off using something that only targets red creatures instead, if not a more flexible enchantment entirely.

Posted 12 May 2013 at 07:17 as a comment on Lizard Commons


Well, the estimated "Medium" cost is 20 dollars, but still, this deck looks FUN! Aura are kinda... well, usually they're underwhelming. But with Nomad Mythmaker, why not? The only Aura I don't really like in the deck is Bonds of Faith. Reasoning: If you like the Pacifism effect, why not just use Pacifism? If you like the +2/+2, there are better Auras that can give you evasion as well. There are just so many humans, it seems kinda unreliable to me... But not a bad choice!

I'm thinking putting a spin on this and testing it out at a playgroup. Would you be interested in hearing back when I've done so? :)

Posted 12 May 2013 at 06:52 as a comment on Aura Rush [Budget: $10]


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