
3 Decks, 65 Comments, 11 Reputation

I like it a lot! One suggestion I have, if I may:

Replace Goblin Brawler. He isn't all that impressive by himself, and I feel like there are much better options that are still within budget. Bloodscale Prowler is a solid body, even if you don't get the bloodthirst trigger. Inner-Flame Igniter gives you something to do late game (if there is a late game). Those are just 3 CMC alternatives, if you wanted you could do Goblin Wardriver, who gives Battlecry.

I just feel like that slot is a wasted space with a 2/2 first striker, when there are so many better options. :)

Posted 13 May 2013 at 21:48 as a comment on Budget Decks: Warrior


Sure, I'll throw some ideas out there. :)

I feel like some card draw would be good for your deck, because you're basically gonna dump your hand at the start and have nowhere else to go... Dangerous Wager can give you basically two free cards if you play it right.

If you don't like that, maybe consider adding in Goblin Bushwhacker! Imagine on turn one, you drop a Mountain and play 2 Memnites, an Ornithopter, and on their turn you burn them for 4 with Galvanic Blast. Then turn two rolls around and you drop Goblin Bushwhacker kicked, and suddenly you're swinging for 7 and they've already lost half of their life! Seems pretty nice to me. What do you think?

Posted 13 May 2013 at 21:32 in reply to #351670 on [Casual] Burning Metal


Yeah, 4 to make a single goat can be a lot, but in a multiplayer match and with the land ramp you have... You'd be surprised how often you use it!

Posted 13 May 2013 at 21:21 in reply to #351600 on The Goats


No I wouldn't increase to 80, it would ruin your draws pretty badly. I can think of a few Auras that will help out, for mana sake I'm going to limit them to 3 or less CMC, because the things you are taking out are that much. Well, here are some top notch Auras you can equip to Bruna, or anyone you deem worthy!

Battle Mastery is a favorite of mine. Double Strike is just a really nasty thing to give a creature.
Cloak of Mists gives someone unblockable.
Curiosity is cheap and effective. Give it to a flier when they can't block for a repeatable card draw.
Eel Umbra is cool because even if you don't want to use it to give someone the +1/+1, you can flash it in to prevent a killspell from taking your guy!
Ethereal Armor would be good, but ONLY if you decide to put a few more enchantments in the deck. If you have it and 2 other enchantments on the field, it gets nasty.
Of course there's Vigilance, for when you can't find your Serra's Blessing...

I think the best option is Spirit Mantle. Spirit Mantle is great, gives your creature (basically) unblockable, and if he has vigilance he can block anyone and not take damage!

Posted 13 May 2013 at 21:20 in reply to #351621 on Sphinx's Counsel- help needed


Oh all right, I completely understand wanting to vary your decks a little bit. :)

Have you considered Pianna, Nomad Captain? It gives a similar effect, though it isn't flying nor vigilant... But with your enchantment all creatures are vigilant, so there's that. A little more pricey but a little better is Soltari Champion, who is Pianna but not Legendary and also has Shadow. Bruna, Light of Alabaster is in your colors, and if you had more Auras she might be worth throwing in there. Serra Angel is a classic, cheap, 5 costing 4/4 with flying vigilance, and Serra Sphinx is the same creature but blue instead. An interesting card with options would be Windreaver, who you could potentially pump and deal a large amount of damage if he went through!

Also, if you were looking to focus on attacking bonuses, why have Plumeveil? Other than it being a stout blocker, can't your vigilant creatures do the same job?

Posted 13 May 2013 at 08:57 in reply to #351621 on Sphinx's Counsel- help needed


This is actually pretty solid! I like it!

Posted 13 May 2013 at 04:47 as a comment on [Budget] Selesnya Vigilantes


Personally, I'm not too fond of Coral Fighters or Merfolk Spy. Here are some other options?

Lullmage Mentor would be pretty nice in conjunction with Merrow Commerce, and he's not even a dollar rare.
Merfolk Looter is a classic.
Merfolk Sovereign is also a cheap one, and he pumps all of your Merfolk even more with the added benefit of letting someone slip through by tapping him!
Riptide Pilferer, Tideshaper Mystic, and Tidal Warrior are in essence another Aquitect's Will.
Though more mana expensive, Veteran of the Depths can get big if you ensure he lives.
A Whirlpool Rider or two can reset your hand if you have a bad draw.

I just think you could have a few different options that would be better than a random effect, though Merfolk Spy isn't all that bad. :)

Posted 13 May 2013 at 04:38 as a comment on [Casual] Merfolk Army


Origin Spellbomb into Emrakul... That's cute.

Posted 13 May 2013 at 04:24 as a comment on Poly morphin Emra Rangers


Honestly, I bet you could safely go down to 18, maybe even 16 lands and feel relatively no effect! This is an awesome idea. I love it!

Posted 13 May 2013 at 04:22 as a comment on [Casual] Burning Metal


Yeah, Uril's a beast (literally). He is really good when you are doing a duel commander match, but against four... well you just have to be really careful how you play him. Those totem armors come in handy!

Posted 13 May 2013 at 04:18 as a comment on Naya Enchantment EDH


Hello friend, have you tried Tokens? When I read the words "army," "vigilant," "fliers," all I could think about was Intangible Virtue! Try building your deck around Intangible Virtue and any card that will give you flying spirit tokens and you might like what you find! It would be much easier than having just vigilance from Serra's Blessing, because you wouldn't be wasting it on your Sphinx who already has Vigilance! Of course, this would mean a great deal of your deck would be overhauled... but it's up to you!

Posted 13 May 2013 at 02:11 as a comment on Sphinx's Counsel- help needed


I just checked it out, it looks neat! You took a more life gain spin on it, whereas the life gain in my deck is mostly for stalling. I find that people almost instantly target Soul Warden/Soul's Attendant, because they know how out of hand it can get, so I almost use it like bait! Goats forever!

Posted 13 May 2013 at 01:14 in reply to #351592 on Strength of the Springjack


Very cool! I feel like Oracle of Mul Daya could be something better and more helpful for your Shepherd, but if he isn't your main focus (because gaining life is) then I understand. I am going to suggest putting at least 2 Springjack Pastures in the deck, which would work flawlessly with your deck. Sac any number of goats, add that much life, then put the mana into Oracle of Nectars to get even more life!

Posted 13 May 2013 at 01:12 as a comment on The Goats


Oh this is fun! I feel like Lightning Bolt could be something better, but it looks good!

Posted 13 May 2013 at 01:08 as a comment on [EMO] Self-Burn


Looks cool, but why Cauldron Haze and Cauldron of Souls? Pretty much all but Melira and Blood Artist have Persist, do you really need to give it to them as well? I would suggest putting a nice sac outlet in the place of those cards, because now you have something to do with your recurring creatures!

Posted 13 May 2013 at 01:05 as a comment on [EMO] Self-Slaughter


Also: Quit making decks that intrigue me, I feel like I am exclusively stalking your page!

Posted 12 May 2013 at 10:55 in reply to #351385 on Stuffy Doll wants to FIGHT


I love this so much. Wow. Only thing I might change, were I to build and play, would be to add another Stuffy Doll. That's from a Casual standpoint thought.

Posted 12 May 2013 at 10:18 as a comment on Stuffy Doll wants to FIGHT


I mean good point, and who in their right mind wouldn't be willing to pay two life to draw two? I don't play competitively anymore, it costs too much and I wasn't that good at it anyway haha!

Posted 12 May 2013 at 10:14 in reply to #351373 on Draw with me! Discard with me!


Haha! This is excellent! The only problem I would see is when you Hive Mind with Sign in Blood, they could just make you draw the cards and lose the life, which in a multiplayer match could end up killing you haha. Maybe replace that with Megrim or Underworld Dreams?

Posted 12 May 2013 at 09:56 as a comment on Draw with me! Discard with me!


Haha, I was suggesting you build a deck (on this site) that is similar to this using Hive Mind, but instead of milling cards and winning with Laboratory Maniac, winning via damage or some other source. I figured you might go for it, since you have like 130 decks on this site. o.o;

Posted 12 May 2013 at 09:19 in reply to #351350 on Absolutely Everybody Yeah~!


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