
139 Decks, 62 Comments, 14 Reputation

There are some lucky people who started playing back in the early 90's, aswell as ppl. who won (proxy - ) vintage tournaments etc. ...

Maybe alone the fact that a piece of a GAME, which is also the most powerful in it, isn't accessible to 99% of all players in the world just because it costs as much as a new car, where the real values of a manufactured car and a printed card aren't even comparable with each other...
just because of profit and greed...
... will lead to some... rethinking.

Also people are heavily deterred by Vintage's and even Legacy's "entry fee", but when f.i. I showed some friends of mine some Vintage decks and gameplay, the immediately wanted to try it out themselves and have been addicted to the surprisingly balanced power.
If you really (only) care about the fun Magic is, you don't care about prices, since there are many FREE ONLINE lobby-programs you can find many people to play with. The best one I know is XMage, since it works almost as well as MTGO itself.

Posted 24 March 2016 at 15:36 in reply to #578306 on The best Ramp you'll find


This is a competitive Vintage Deck... Also, there are plenty ways to play it for free.

Posted 23 March 2016 at 17:14 in reply to #578306 on The best Ramp you'll find


All the lands besides Workshop and Academy, 3x Basalt & 4x Grim Monolith, [4x Doubling Cube], 4x Metalworker, Mana Crypt, Mana Vault, Sol Ring {23 [+ 4] cards}


Posted 23 March 2016 at 09:59 in reply to #578306 on The best Ramp you'll find


Yeah, actually.
I've added a land and a Noble Hierarch.
I also took out Nissa and Jace for a full playset of Rites of Flourishing. So far I have had mixed experiences:

(The idea was to turn 1 Bird, turn 2 Rites + land + X and say: "Win now or lose next turn" consistently...)

- )
- It massively boosts combo decks like Storm, 1drop-pump or even Tron...
- getting it Abrupt Decay'ed on my opponents' turn is just miserable...
- countermagic basically kills me, at least if i don't miracle a Temp. Mastery and/or play enough land to ignore soft counters

+ )
- fair decks basically cannot win against that strategy G1, maybe even G2/3.
- I am not forced to always play like that; I can build up to a turn where I Time Walk and play Rites (depends on opponent's deck)
- It is just the best permanent to have in play with Time Walks and/or Courser... still. Having 4 (+4) of them makes the deck more consistent and...
- ...the effect stacks with Time Walks, Crucible and Courser/Oracle

The testing never ends I guess...
OotGW has not brought anything really new/good for this deck, though, imo.

Posted 07 March 2016 at 12:03 in reply to #576851 on Next Level Time Warp


Also, out of 200 games, I managed to pull off ONE turn two kill!

Posted 04 December 2015 at 20:47 in reply to #560668 on Next Level Time Warp


Thank you! Hopefully you are able to try it out in a match ;)

Posted 08 November 2015 at 23:00 in reply to #567193 on Next Level Time Warp


Thank you for this great sum of constructive suggestions.
Since you've covered so many points, I wanted to complete testing "phase nr. 2" before giving an answer, here it is :) ^^

I don't like Panoptic Mirror here, and here's why:
- I've played many combo-ish brews in the past. Having to rely on Panoptic Mirror (which would be a 4-of still, I know), is not what I want for this deck, based on my previous experience. It makes PM a card I would have to heavily rely on, especially if I would take out Time Walks for 'em. Also I would need both of those at the same time, which would be... suboptimal ;)
- It can be destroyed.
Time Walks can only be countered :) My sideboard plan fights counters, not any kind of hate, though. They also replace themselves at least, and can obiously draw you like 1-5 extra cards.
PM on the other hand 2-for-1's you and needs a lot of extra mana to even take advantage of the first time. I basically dont want to pass the turn after spending 5 mana on a permanent, and at 10 mana and a Time Walk in hand I will never lose the game.

This Dictate of Kruphix, Howling Mine -thing is actually very well thought through, at least for my playstyle ^^
I always take out 1 or 2 of the 4 Howling Mine effects I have while sideboarding, based on which kind of deck I face. One might say that having only 2 or 3 of these in the deck after sideboarding is not enough, but I actually had a very good feeling about HOW MANY of them I got WHEN.

(base on about... 70-ish post sideboard games)

Yeah I thought about this, too. Currently I'm pretty happy about having Crucible as a 1-of:
- I don't NEED it to win. Sure - those Crucible/WTA wins come up, but I draw through the deck a lot before this combo (OF MORE THAN THOSE 2 CARDS - mind you) becomes game-winning.
- Replacing a WTA is not what I want - I think having 11 Time Walks is the perfect number. Also, the first 2 WTA's are almost always cast without buyback, simply because I'm "not there yet" (not because of the Crucible).

But still... It is a great card with fetches and "play with the top card of your library revealed" and/or "play an additional land (...)" effects, so I really might put in a second one.

I will look at your deck shortly, cya ;)

Posted 08 September 2015 at 14:54 in reply to #560704 on Next Level Time Warp


It is just 1/60th of the deck and won me most of my games, either by casting him or discarding him (reshuffle).
I play a lot of Vintage, maybe I'm just used to have Grisebrands in my starting hand... But still, Emrakul is irreplaceable ;)
And basically I don't care about what my opponent does; it's just about how fast I can go.

Posted 02 September 2015 at 17:38 in reply to #560668 on Next Level Time Warp


Tamiyo seems great, Nissa seems a little risky, though.
ALthough they cost 5 mana, which is usually too much (Mostly only a miracle lets me cast it), I will test both of them, thanks!

Posted 31 August 2015 at 11:56 in reply to #560414 on Next Level Time Warp


Not yet, but i already thought about it. Mind Spring kinda does his job at the moment.
5 mana usually is already too much ^^

I will test him, though, thanks.

Posted 31 August 2015 at 11:50 in reply to #560474 on Next Level Time Warp


True, thanks for your input.
I have playtested this deck, though, and Emrakul -for now- appears to be irreplacable. The "combo" can easily be disrupted, even if it's just a Lightning Bolt on a PW. Sometimes the only way to win was casting an Emrakul.
Having 19 permanent Lands in my Deck and being able to replay 3 or 4 fetches from your graveyard per turn makes it pretty easy to cast him, while chaining Time Walks.
Also he is great for reshuffling my graveyard into my library. Don't think it's irrelevant! :D

I will try to put in more PWs, though. It's just pretty tough for me to find any free spots... I'd like to have a fourth Bird for instance...
And since drawing a second copy of a Planeswalker is pretty miserable, I am pretty happy with my setup of 1-of Planeswalkers.
But I will try some stuff out... again, thanks.

Posted 30 August 2015 at 09:12 in reply to #560414 on Next Level Time Warp


Thank man.

This is obviously a brew... I tested it a few times and pretty much "gave up" the deck for the moment ;) But Fire//Ice is a must, that's true.
Well, if my opponent wastes his own land that's fine by me, but Psychic Venom was more of an under the radar damage card in my original vision: Lands need to be tapped anyway, so i'd end up with about 4-8 damage for 2 mana, IF I can keep my opponent under 3 or so lands, wich is very likely in Vintage. Additional Venoms combined with Ral Zarek or Ice for that matter would just finish the game. The best I've done with this deck my be the situation where I locked down 2 Ancient Tombs with 2 Psychic Venoms, my opponent being at 4 life^^ Nothing spectacular, but kinda fun :)
So it's essentially a burn deck with counterspells and soft lock pieces.

I've then built a similar, though quite different deck, maybe check that out:

Posted 15 June 2015 at 17:41 in reply to #551942 on Do I take the damage...?


Although I generally agree with your points (don't wanna answer to everything), I think you misunderstood me just a bit.
I meant complete satisfaction of needs; Everyone who needs a certain card would be able to obtain ANY card for a price that represents the cards' manfacturing-, transportation-costs and up to 10% of profit (+ taxes etc.). Noone needs manipulated supply/demand quotations which, as you said, allow printing of pure money (about 100.000% of profit seems to be normal these days, not even talking about the obvious possibility of "reprinting" Beta etc. cards even today *conspiracy theory alert*).
So no, I can't fully agree with your first statement: Supply has to be restricted and only increased if Wizards is happy with the price, not when people actually need or want certain cards. But they have to be JUST willing enough to pay, if you understand ;)

Posted 03 June 2015 at 19:39 in reply to #551834 on Burning Oath is fun :)


Since Vintage came to MTG:O, many people who never played Vintage before enjoyed it veeeery much, appreciating a deep format that is fun to play aswell :)
It is not a problem of a lack of (potential) players, but a money-related problem, as you pointed out Puschkin. So there are unfortunately only two ways of playing Vintage competitively: Travel a lot (A big part on Vintage tournaments allows 10 proxies) or play MTG:O.

Maybe the P9 will be affordible when the economy will actually supply the peoples' needs again, rather than maximizing profits... Thus not in our lifetime :( ;)

Posted 03 June 2015 at 11:05 in reply to #551834 on Burning Oath is fun :)


Hmm that is a great way of tricking opponents I haven't really thought about, mostly because a Burning Wish deck obviously doesn't have that many sideboard options :/
Although it is a great suggestion, your assumption of it possibly being not viable might be true: Grafdigger's Cage. It is the most used hate card against Oath & Dredge in Vintage at the moment , which also hoses Krosan Reclamation. But with Cage and Oath both in play, Oath is still useful: I have won games chosing to uses Oath's abilty; Cage will prevent Griselbrand from entering the battlefield and he stays on top of the library, making me draw Griselbrand. All I need now is a Show and Tell or fast mana.
And since Yawgmoth's Will is only accessible via Burning Wish (siding in Will aswell seems weak to me at first glance), only casting it would cost 7 mana, which isn't too big of a problem, but also three different colors of mana, which is a big problem.

Thank you, though^^ It might be very easy to break Krosan Reclamation, but since Oath (especially Burning Oath) gets so much hate towards its' graveyard aswell, this might not be the most... surprising and/or effective way. It's rather a game of "Can I win now? Or now then? But NOW, yeah?", even after sideboarding ;)

Posted 03 June 2015 at 01:20 in reply to #551834 on Burning Oath is fun :)


I really don't understand how this got 30 likes; MtgVault seems to suck :\

Posted 02 June 2015 at 02:21 as a comment on Rule defying Who needs lands!?


I really don't understand how this got 30 likes; MtgVault seems to suck :\

Posted 02 June 2015 at 02:20 as a comment on Rule defying Who needs lands!?


It is really awesome to play! :)

No, this deck is Storm in G1, the "real" Storm-cards are in the Sideboard because of Burning Wish, basically giving me 4 Yawgmoth's Wills etc.
Also it allows me to use a great toolbox :)

The "real" Sideboard-cards are Ancient Tomb against resource attacking/lock decks and Defense Grid against control.

Posted 27 December 2014 at 13:31 in reply to #525016 on Burning Oath is fun :)


Just a crap deck, provocatively posted just to get comments.
Watch out for the 12-year-olds...

Posted 31 October 2014 at 00:56 as a comment on No Better Burn Deck Exists .


LOL, no comment.

Posted 25 August 2014 at 17:45 in reply to #497581 on competetive vintage cuz I can.


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