
7 Decks, 39 Comments, 3 Reputation

Would Prototype Portal be too slow?

Posted 11 June 2011 at 08:13 as a comment on Heavy Metal


That and they are a lot easier for an opponent to get rid of than a land.
Grasp of Darkness, Lightning Bolt, etc. and you are down a mana.
And with so few lands you might not get it back.

Posted 11 June 2011 at 08:11 in reply to #169912 on Golems Ahoy


Oh yeah, and
Wall of Frost > Glacial Wall

Posted 11 June 2011 at 08:08 in reply to #170696 on Dream Cast


There's so little deck depletion that I don't see it really bothering anyone who's played more than 5 games or so. Unless you are likely to wipe out their entire deck, then it's just a minor annoyance to put your cards in the graveyard every now and again. And some graveyard decks would thank you for putting a few of their cards in the graveyard.
You do have quite a bit of defensive creatures, but your offensive creatures are easy targets. Usually, you would make a balance between offence and defence with only a bit of a trend towards either offence or defence, since a good offence is a defence in itself.
Even if you can hold them off for a while, you're not really going anywhere. If you are going for defensive, then you need a good late-game combo or game-ending creatures, because they are always stronger than a bunch of small weaklings (unless that's your combo).
Your lack of focus means that it will take you a long time to actually win by one of the 2 other possibilities. If you have a Glistener Elf out, for instance, you will take 10 turns to actually kill them. They would have no worries letting you put a few poison counters on them, since you are defensive, while they build up an attacking force, or do whatever it is they are specifically trying to do.

You really can't count on getting 2 cards that work together really well if you only have 1 or 2 of each card.

With 79 cards in your deck you can't really count on getting any of your cards, you can't count on your deck to do anything in particular, with the possible exception of getting at least 1 defending creature out in most games.

Posted 11 June 2011 at 08:06 as a comment on Dream Cast


Trigon of Rage?

Posted 31 May 2011 at 14:23 as a comment on Turn 2 win infect


Ah, but the cloak is an Equipment. So I can equip it to whatever I like. Much more versatile that way.
I see your point, though. It is more mana efficient if I were planning on having only 1 hitter, but I'm not. I have so many creatures, because I want to be able to use all of them (or any of them). So I figure, if any of my creatures can do the damaging hits, then it doesn't really matter which one I buff, and since I have lots, I should have many on the field at once. If I need to, I can buff, then equip. Less mana efficient, true, but considering the low mana costs of everything I have, I will probably get to a stage where I can play everything I have pretty quickly.

Posted 28 May 2011 at 14:43 in reply to #166510 on The "I win" deck


Your deck doesn't seem like it is based around the birthing at all. In fact, the only real combination I can see there is the precursor Golem and the 2 buff spells you have. Yes, that can be nasty, but you still need exactly Precursor Golem and 1 or 2 of the buffs, plus an army to make it properly effective. It also makes your golems easier targets, though. Doom Blade for instance would wipe out your golems... It's a double-edged sword there.
Aside from that, I don't see what you are aiming for. You have a Sun Titan and a Elesh Norn, but if that's your win condition... then that's what you'd be trying to birth, so you should have more of both.
Focus on HOW you expect to win.

Posted 28 May 2011 at 14:19 as a comment on Birthing Golem


I am CONFUSED! How is there a turn 2 win in there?

Posted 28 May 2011 at 10:14 as a comment on RUG Infect


Your steel overseer will be targeted the most. Followed by the Myr Turbine.
Your Throne of Geth will only be effective when you have a Myr Turbine and Steel Overseer on the field, all other times it will be a hindrence. Except for drawing that extra card with Ichor Wellspring. So it's not SO bad.
Of course you have absolutely no way at all to stop someone using any mass removal (Creeping Corrosion, wrath of god, Black Sun's Zenith, etc) so that could always be a problem.

The steel overseer and infect artifact creatures is a good combo, but if something were to happen to the steel overseer or you didn't get it... then you are easy pickings...

You seem to have thrown in Myr Turbine for the hell of it, because it produces artifact creatures. It doesn't help at all towards your goal of poisoning to death.

The 4 Spine of Ish Sah also seem to be there for no particular reason (And man are they mana heavy). Just because destroying a permanent is fun? Well I recomment Lux Cannon instead. If you do get the proliferate going at all, that's a bonus.

Posted 16 April 2011 at 09:11 as a comment on Artifact Infect Deck


Nooo... no one seems to know why I like Ichor Rats, and then they all say; "you need to make sure you get a poison counter on them". Grah!
I see what you mean about the sideboard, though. I need to make a sideboard that will counter each colour...
I don't see what everyone's problem with Corrupted Conscience is. Contagion Engine and/or little infect creatures can deal with smaller creatures. I want to be able to take their trump card and use it on them... with infect. That's my plan. That's what I want to do... Elixir of Immortality is nice, but it kinda counters my Corpse Cur. I'd be better off with something else to gain life... which I suppose I might need to do...
But I realised I misread Ichorclaw Myr. I thought it was the bomb as a defender. :P
THAT'S going in....
I chose GftT because I didn't want to be stuck against Blacks, and pretty much all decks don't just use artifact creatures.

Posted 24 February 2011 at 02:00 in reply to #132776 on Proliferate. Repeat.


But if you used your fertile ground, and added Helix Pinnacle...

Posted 21 February 2011 at 02:53 in reply to #132225 on earthcraft


You can infinitely tap and untap your Horseshoe Crab?

Posted 21 February 2011 at 02:51 as a comment on earthcraft


My word dual lands are expensive...

Posted 21 February 2011 at 02:41 in reply to #131934 on Proliferate. Repeat.


You're definitely right about the Trigon. It's too mana heavy in an already mana heavy deck. I still don't know about virulent wounds... Plague Myr, however, perfect!
I thought I had 4 of Plague Stinger and Thrumming Bird....
I want to have an answer for everything eventually. Contagion engine can take care of lots of small creatures. Corrupted Conscience is for if they get a single strong creature out. Or one with an effect I'd like to 'borrow'....

Posted 21 February 2011 at 02:22 in reply to #131934 on Proliferate. Repeat.


At this point I want to point out, I've only played about 30 games of Magic, with my friends, and we were all using nearly all commons and some uncommons, so I probably don't know what I'm talking about... but I'll say it anyway...

Posted 19 February 2011 at 06:12 as a comment on Proliferate. Repeat.


Yeah, I just realised the stupidity of that comment on the 5-6 turns to proliferate... Maybe this idea just won't work?

Posted 19 February 2011 at 05:37 in reply to #131209 on Proliferate. Repeat.


If I ever get to the stage where I have more mana then I want, either I'll have won because I'll be proliferating so very many times per turn, or they'll finish me off because they weakened me so much at the beginning.
...well... that's what I believe, anyway....

Posted 19 February 2011 at 05:16 in reply to #131248 on Proliferate. Repeat.


Yeah, you're right. A burn deck would own this deck. But I'm not sure how I'd counter-act a burn deck using this idea.
Someone with Naturalize COULD destroy ONE of my artifacts/enchantments. (And someone with Relic Crush could destroy 2). But then... unless I put in some Cancels, there's not much I can do about that...
You're wrong about the Titan Forge... It uses counters to summon them, so I theoretically could have one out per turn (if I can manage 3 proliferates per turn, which would finish off any opponent pretty fast, so you're probably still right...)
The Phyxian Crusader is so far my favourite of the cards suggested, but, it IS quite expensive... I'm still thinking about it, though...
I know you guys think that this much mana is too much, but if the draw sample hand is right, then I'll spend my games not playing anything that can proliferate for 5-6 turns more often than not because I won't have enough mana. And I seem to never get the everflowing chalice in the draw sample hand.
So... I'll drop some mana and Titan Forge, and put in "Go For The Throat" and "Cancel" for their relatively low mana cost and effectiveness...

Posted 19 February 2011 at 05:15 in reply to #131209 on Proliferate. Repeat.


P.P.S I wonder if not using any proliferate and just using Grafted Exoskeleton on some unblockables and get a few more first strike creatures with infect would be a better way to ensure victory....

Posted 18 February 2011 at 15:32 in reply to #131188 on Proliferate. Repeat.


P.S Using Corpse Cur to bring back another Corpse Cur seems like a better plan to me, it means I always have a blocker with 2/2 and infect.

Posted 18 February 2011 at 15:26 in reply to #131188 on Proliferate. Repeat.


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