
30 Decks, 5 Comments, 1 Reputation

Building a $558 deck and using the 7th edition white border version of counter spell instead of the duel deck:Jace vs Chandra version that's $1 extra should be a felony

Posted 29 October 2019 at 05:23 as a comment on Oops! All Jaces!


ok can't wait to see what you come up with gonna start collecting 50 shadowborn apostles...

Posted 30 March 2015 at 23:27 in reply to #543376 on Erebos' Minions EDH


Ok why is this deck Erebos?? I mean the passive is alright but it's no where near as good in this deck as Aetheros, 1 mana for an 18 dmg burn AND a big creature?? not to mention you could direct the damage in threes so you'd have very little damage waste. Also then he'd solve the problem of having recursion for your apostles, and board wipes would be awesome instead of terrible for you. You might also want to try adding cards like Xathrid necromancer, Village cannibals, and Ob Nixilis Unshackled, and requiem angel. You could put some really good anthems in there because of white, Like sublime Archangel, and mentor of the meek. Angel of glory's rise would be insane after sacking all of your Apostles.

but I'm a n00b so I may be missing something lol anyway consider it I think this deck could be awesome and hilarious.

Posted 29 March 2015 at 01:20 as a comment on Erebos' Minions EDH


i put throne in here just because i think it's such a kickass card, but replacing it for raider's spoils is a good idea and i'll do that. the hall is in there just because i can't have multiple spear of heliods on the field and this deck has basically no removal other than spear so i run 3. replacing the herald with bigger dudes that benefit from the warrior buffs would really take away from just an army of little 1/1's buffed by banners that i love doing but it really would be way better.I'm only putting in two saddleburtes because this deck can't really resurrect them.return to the ranks is awesome in this and thanks for pointing that out. if i made these changes it really wouldn't have any tokens in it and it'd be recursion tribal, but i like how that style looks. (not adding pharkia's cure because it just isn't as good as bile blight in khans). thanks for the advice!

Posted 24 December 2014 at 20:35 in reply to #524612 on Budget warriors
